By dubblechic - 18/01/2011 18:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me with a voice card. It said "Marry me Amber?" I'm not Amber. That's his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 779
You deserved it 3 451

xXDubbleChic tells us more.

xXDubbleChic 11

I dumped him on the spot

Top comments

mintcar 9

Seems like a lot of the men on FML confuse their current girlfriends with their ex. WTF is up with that? FYL OP.

Ninjafriends 1

That's not his ex, that's his fiancée.


use a voice card to break up with him...I suggest a recording of you shaggin' his friend or brother (or both)

What happened to "it's the thought that counts?".

Maybe the guy planned to ask each of them to marry him (not to actually marry them, but to drag out their relationships for as long as possible and milk them for everything they're worth, monetarily and physically) and got them mixed up. But I hope not. Regardless, the OP deserves better.


TropicalTulipz 0

i would hurt him physically and emotionally for that bull!! torure him.wats his biggest fear.bring it to the surface girl.

rlTlk 13

Not saying this didn't happen, FYL if it did, but this fml has been repeated way too much recently.