By UnicornCinnamon - 24/11/2018 04:00 - Romania - Cluj-napoca
Top comments
What was the point in her calling you about it, if she wasn't offering to buy one for you?
Old, male goats should get satyr onesies, and that’s that!
She only called to call you an old goat? Time to remind her that you both are closely related! What is a mother of an old goat called?
You're 21. Why can't you buy one for yourself you old goat?
Onesies are overrated, anyway. Just use a Snuggie so you can actually remove it fast to use the bathroom. No wonder teens are so immature these days - they're reverting to infancy by wearing onesies. Plus, they make it look like you're too lazy to get dressed in normal clothes like a normal person. It's as bad as the "wearing pajama pants in public" fad that I wish would die.
Is it white with gold stars and wings? Cause I'm 24 and I have a unicorn onesie like that. You're never too old for onesies.
At least she didn’t tell you to “grow up.” My mom would have.

What was the point in her calling you about it, if she wasn't offering to buy one for you?
Old goats can still dress as unicorns and look fabbbbbbuuulouuuuussss!