By Anonymous - 12/02/2015 16:50 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my boyfriend threw a fit because I "still" live with my mother at age 30. I bought her an apartment in my building and hired a live-in nurse because she is senile and permanently bedridden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 337
You deserved it 2 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the logical one here OP. And you might want to get him a nurse too. He seems a little senile himself.

Wow, your boyfriend sounds like an asshole. You're a great daughter for taking the best possible care of your mother even if she is senile. Keep doing what you're doing, OP.


He doesn't deserve a kind hearted woman such as yourself!

He probably kicks little animals, too.

elyssa112 6

Omg drop his ass NOW! Who does he think he is ? Don't stay with a man who's so ignorant and inconsiderate to your disabled mother ! He should be referred to as "my now ex boyfriend". You clearly have ALOT going for yourself if you can afford all those things . And that's so sweet of you to do that for her so she's comfortable in own home insteada throwing her in some retirement home . Find a better guy girl ! Trust me for you it'll be easy .

tintin10_fml 13

Dump that prick! you deserve better.

Your boyfriend is a complete asshole. You're a good person op.

You're the one doing such an amazing and sweet thing for your mother! Remember, family is forever, boyfriends are not. Don't let him discourage you and the wonderful things you've done for your mom!

imagineapc 11

He's got his priorities, they just don't align with hers. Sure he's a dick - but I'll bet there's more than one person on here for whom this situation would be a deal breaker.

You sound like a wonderful daughter. I know allot of people who would just drop their loved ones off at a nursing home and never see them, but you went the extra step and I think that's wonderful and to hell with your bf if he can't realize that your doing what you think is best for you mother then he isn't worth it

I seriously would break someone's knee caps if they ever said something like that to me regarding my mother

no decent man will make you choose between him and your family.