By Anonymous - 12/02/2015 16:50 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, my boyfriend threw a fit because I "still" live with my mother at age 30. I bought her an apartment in my building and hired a live-in nurse because she is senile and permanently bedridden. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 337
You deserved it 2 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're the logical one here OP. And you might want to get him a nurse too. He seems a little senile himself.

Wow, your boyfriend sounds like an asshole. You're a great daughter for taking the best possible care of your mother even if she is senile. Keep doing what you're doing, OP.


how does that much of an asshole make it to boyfriend status?

He has some serious issues he needs to fix. You are doing a great thing, because family being that close to her at anytime is the best thing for her. I used to work at a nursing home and cooked for them and it was specified for those with dementia and without help some of them may forget that they took medicine and overdose just on accident. I loved working with my residents there and they were an amazing thing to me too. They taught me so much and their smiles when they enjoyed the food that I cooked is all I needed to get over a terrible culinary director or other cooks who didn't care. So again what your doing is amazing work there keep it up and ignore the boyfriend who tried to get mad over this.

What an insensitive dick. You should consider replacing his ass

Wow, what an ass. You're clearly a great daughter, OP, and you deserve a more understanding and supportive partner than that!

what the hell? i hope you broke up with that a-hole and find someone better.

There's a solution! 1: open up Facebook 2: go to relationship status 3: in relationship to single 4: ??? 5: Profit!

You are way to nice for a "boy" like that around.