By hdgyfjdzdfg - 16/04/2012 06:53 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me I smell like his grandma's house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 073
You deserved it 4 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You smell like old people sex? Creepy....

Tell him he reminds u of dog piss, apple juice if it's pure it's healthy!! Lol

So, do you smell like yummy cookies or moth balls and denture paste? This could go either way.

shrdlu 28

My grandparents' apartment always smelled like mothballs.

That may not be a bad thing, maybe his grandmother's house smells nice. At any rate, I don't feel that a harmless offhand vocalized observation like that is deserving of an FML. If that makes you say "**** my life", the death of a loved one is going to completely destroy you.

Change your perfume maybe? Just a thought

tedharrison 0

What the hell is wrong with that