By sleepyt127 - 07/05/2009 19:47 - United States

Today, after leaving a bar I fell asleep on the Q train heading home. I awoke at 5am in Coney Island, end of the line, to a cop poking me with his baton. He gave me a ticket for "Subway Vagrancy" even though I have a job and an apartment. He didn't ticket the homeless man next to me covered in piss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 116
You deserved it 7 776

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucks dude, but seriously, why would he ticket the homeless guy he has no money

brodizzle 0

Explain to a NY cop? lolol



that sucks so bad. 1 caus u were ticketed 2 caus you must have been really far from home

He ticketed you because you will pay it. The homeless man will not...

That sucks... haha, I remember those days with my friends in the summer... Good times :)

crap09 0

Why can't America be nice to homeless people anymore? I mean, they have like nothing left. OP, shit. Maybe you can explain to the cop what happened?

starberries 0

I think it's a little late to explain to the cop. He would need to go to court and explain it to the judge.

sucks dude, but seriously, why would he ticket the homeless guy he has no money

go_rangers 0

That sucks... my friend was going one stop on the 6 once and fell asleep and wound up in Pelham Bay. Awful. I've wound up in Jamaica several times... freaking E train. Never been ticketed though... that's just bad luck. Sorry dude.

keezybaby_fml 0

maybe you pissed on tha dude... I guess he got his testimonial before yours!

Next time you should crap/piss your pants, maybe the cop'll think you're homeless too