By WasZumTeufel? - 01/01/2013 00:55 - Germany - Kabel

Today, my boyfriend took me to his house and introduced me to his parents. He also showed me around his bedroom. I think he forgot to remove the dartboard on his wall, taped to which was a swiss-cheesed printout of one of my Facebook photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 548
You deserved it 3 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The_Tool1 13

So how's that relationship going now..?

So that's what he meant when he said he hit that..?


BunchieRules 31

Maybe he was really board, and wanted to see your reaction, or he aims to teach you archery someday. If not, there's really no point in doing that. If you dumped him, you may have dodged a bullet... or a dart.

I'm guessing that when OP says that the photo is "Swiss-cheesed", it means it's been up there a while and he's been throwing a lot of darts at her picture. I don't know why anyone with this much repressed hostility toward his girlfriend would take her to meet his parents and "forget" to remove the picture from the dartboard, but I do think this is a sign to DTMFA.

depends what he had as the bullseye..ur head its over.. ur Crotch... well he's aiming to get a bullseye with you

I would like to know however, just who runs Swiss cheese through their printer.

crazytwinsmom 25

At least Swiss cheese is a relatively hard cheese.

What better way to show your affection than use your lover's face as a dartboard?

80skid 15

That must have been an awkward visit.

Maybe he's a cannibal. The Swiss cheese goes on the sandwich with you and the darts are to hold it together. Like toothpicks but larger

I'd leave if I were you , only bad things can come from something like that.