By Broken - 03/08/2010 12:11 - United Arab Emirates
Same thing different taste
Bye bye asshat
By Sadbxtch - 09/09/2021 17:01
By xOdaatx - 26/09/2011 13:01 - Australia
By Flabbergasted - 06/02/2009 21:32 - United States
By Marcella - 24/10/2009 04:49 - United States
By taylor w - 31/10/2014 02:32 - United States
Fiancé of the year
By Anonymous - 13/09/2020 10:01 - United States - Saint Joseph
By Toooldforthisshit - 09/12/2018 11:30 - United States - New London
All over the place
By unluckyinlove - 05/09/2021 00:31 - Australia - Ridgehaven
Planned parenthood
By KittenTitz - 03/05/2020 20:00
By alone - 20/04/2019 02:00
Top comments
She's smiling because they 'love' each other, and apparently she isn't guilty... Hopefully you can take the high road and get over them. :/
isn't it common there anyways?
um I'd kill the lady give her a god quick one two in the face lol
in the face!
i dont get why people cheat. i would never, and if i ever somehow did, my guilty concious would eat me alive
32 & 57 w I n!!! lol u guys made me laugh.
That just sucks man. Like seriously that is effed up on his part. Thank gosh you hadn't married him yet. He'll probaly do her the same thing later on. The smile will wear off in time hun, don't worry. :)
wow that's awful :/
59 you are a sex bomb !!!
Now you can start over, and this time find a man that is so much better for you. 10years down the road he'll have 22 kids by 22 diff women and you'll be happy. Then you can say IN YOUR FACE!!!! to both of those assholes!!!
YDI for not kicking both of their asses.
31 dang. anyway.....that's what happens when u don't use condoms or Plan B, but FYL
Man, FML was better when it wasn't a jailbait picture server...
Atleast you found out before you got married, and can now just break it off with that douchebag. You'll find someone better, hopefully.
never party without a party hat :-
i too hate ppl who cheat. Wait i mean ppl who dont know how to cheat. first you pull out every time, and second you stick to the lie no matter wat she saw or may have on tape
YDI for not asking earlier if the baby was yours.
Yes, because SHE could have knocked HER up. Good job in health class.
idk why but when i read this it made me laugh
54, that's really sweet!! More guys in this world need to be like you. :)
now make him a dam sammich!
57 Right u should've said or go to him now and tell him like really
wow and the bitch was smiling...
YDI for your fiancé inviting his pregnant coworker over and during dinner telling you that the baby is his and he was cheating on you with her for 5 months. She had a smile on her face the whole time.
Maybe tWas a nervous smile like, "hehe hope dis bitch don't stab me" But anyway blame your lying cheating husband and not the **** for doing what ***** do. At least he came clean..
I woulda decked her
FYL for sure OP. I don't understand why people cheat. If you're that unhappy with your partner that you'd cheat on them. Do them a favor and leave them. It may seem like a bad favor but it will cause much less pain to them in the long run. The pain caused by cheating is terrible, and can ruin a persons trust in others. If you don't have the courage to admit you're unhappy and leave them, and thus cheat instead, it means you're too immature to date yet and you're a ******* lowlife coward. So to all cheaters who read this: there is no excuse, you are just a low life coward. I won't call you a piece if shit, cause a piece of shit is better than you. And to the few faithfuls like be left: bless you all cause you know what love us, and you have the courage to do what's right. I hope you get what you deserve, another faithful lover!
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Show it anywayI'd like to be in the middle of a ellielovesyah/ kittykataclysm sandwich.
To all the UAE haters...Bet a box of doughnuts OP, the ex fiancé and the Preg-Ho are soldiers or civilian contractors; not UAE nationals. I hope they are all soldiers and she reports them. Getting knocked up on assignment is a big no no. Too bad he was only the fiancé...Can't have them Article 15'd for adultery then divorce his sorry ass.
The unmitigated gall to tell you this with her in the room, after you cooked for them shows that you are lucky to be rid of him. It also shows she is a real ***** and the true losers here are you and the poor child they spawned. I hope you quickly find true love and I know Karma will sort out the rest. Stay strong!!
i don't get y ppl cheat lmao... I mean if ur gonna cheat y not just call the person break up n then do w.e u want since ur single haha
What does his location has anything to do with the FML? Lame much?
yeah neither do I, like I just dont understand it if all your out for is to fulfill your desires and lust then stay single and go do so not hurting someone you ve just made a commitment with. To hurt the girl who is your gf, wife, or what not so you can have some temporary fun just isnt right like 54 my concious would explode
omg agreed!
wow, what an ass.. I can think of several things I would have done in this situation. FYL
psh the pregnant coworker should not be smiling. the douchebag who did that to op will probably do the same to her. op shouldn't be in the blues. she can now have hate sex every night :)
I saw where this is going by the first sentence.
Sounds like #239 has cheated before and rationalized it somehow. As for the OP, I would have hinted that "My ex fiance said that he loved me and was the only one for me. Has he told YOU that yet? Well, hope he's actually honest that time and doesn't cheat on YOU like he did ME". Put a seed of doubt about his faithfulness to her, since he was unfaithful to YOU.
Hey, **** you, #239. Don't tell people they need to walk in a cheater's shoes. "Oh no, I felt lonely and had to gain attention from someone else!" Die.
I'm sorry:(
:,( #54 u speak wise words! I hate cheaters
182 we shall poison the food... ._. yes we shall
209 saying YDI then repeating the fml isn't funny so do the world a favor a stfu
u got sum nice ****
thaat would of been funny
he shouldnt have cheated in the first place..
109, That girl is 10 years younger than you! Christ.
that is so sick.
it really is... and it also really sucks /: FYL
19 reminds me of Shay Carl and babytard
Doesn't the UAE hand out the death penalty for this sort if thing? Report them to the Motality squad?
yeah... that's what I thought too
...duuuuuuuuuuude. FYL.
lol same
yes! 5 and 14 soo with you there
uh idk if u realized this but op is a girl I don't think she could kick the husband and chicks ass....
"Her face ain't pregnant." 0:}
Sexist ****
wat a dick
See? Of course there was a reason he invited the coworker over.
wait til the bastard child is born & beat her up.
That's terrible. but now he's stuck with a bastard child and you're free to find a guy who isn't such a dick :)

I would have smacked her upside her head with a frying pan.
had you cooked?