By Anonymous - 20/01/2014 21:16 - United States - Homer Glen

Today, my brother asked me how to block someone on Facebook. Seeing as how my brother never asks me for anything, I took this opportunity to help him. He then blocked me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 296
You deserved it 7 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

If he asks for your help to find a place to hide a dead body, for God's sake, DON'T HELP HIM!


flashback_fml 14

What kind of idiot couldn't figure that out

Maybe he knew how to block someone but wanted OP to know he was going to block someone so OP would be curious about who he was going to block just to find out it was OP :)

JMichael 25

Take a video of him singing in the shower and post it on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

good one. now go back into his account and open it for everyone to see. ( put pictures of kittens and rainbows all over his page.)

skyeyez9 24

Wtf is up with all the downvotes on 95% of the comments?!

skipper2009 18

Everyone must be in a bad mood today.

I giggled at that but it must be true

You should've figured, especially if he's younger than you or close I'm age. I have my brother blocked cause i think he'd snitch on what i do. Still, ydi.

if you think your brother would snitch on what you are doing, you probably shouldnt be doing it. or at the very least, not posting it in a public forum.

Axel5238 29

Don't know how this isn't pretty common knowledge by now, but people gotta stop posting certain things on social media drunk pictures, pictures of pot, half naked photos, how much of a mess you were that weekend ect... It can get you in trouble, and employers will search you and if they find a photo album of drunk pictures or a ton of stuff related to 420 and other dumb stuff you aren't gonna get hired. Also more than likely that stuff will get passed around and come back to bite you. An entire generation growing up having grown up never knowing a time with out the internet still doesn't realize you can be held accountable for what you put post.

aznpeaks 7

Given your acc name, i would think you would post some inappropriate stuff on FB. I agree with #72 and #79.

Fr0gs 15

Mom! I got outplayed (lol reference$$)

sarahbevan20 11

Sorry OP, I wouldn't have seen that one coming either, especially from my brother. FYL. :(