By Boyufd - 09/09/2018 03:30

Today, knowing that I have severe arachnophobia, my brother brought over his friend's tarantula. One hour later, the spider got loose. It's been 5 hours and I'm afraid to go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 923
You deserved it 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell is with people knowingly exposing arachnophobes to huge ******* hairy ass spiders. You’re just asking to get your pet killed. I know I would, no regrets.

Just relax and go to sleep. The spider will crawl on your face and your brother will be able to find it. Be a good team player!


Just think, every tickle could be a spider...

Just relax and go to sleep. The spider will crawl on your face and your brother will be able to find it. Be a good team player!

_Hakuna_Matata_ 12

But then he would have to throw his entire face out.

What the hell is with people knowingly exposing arachnophobes to huge ******* hairy ass spiders. You’re just asking to get your pet killed. I know I would, no regrets.

Same here. If you knowingly bring a bug/spider near me knowing I'm terrified of them I'm killing it. And I'm making sure it's fully dead too.

I love tarantulas, rodents, snakes, and many other animals people normally are afraid of. I wouldn't ever bring a mouse around someone deathly afraid of rodents. Doing something like that could seriously send a person into a heart attack!

Sorry OP, the only acceptable solution is to burn your house down

Somehow it got loose almost immediately eh? That vicious little bastard obviously brought it over specifically to let it loose to destroy OP's mind. If I'm right, A: a horrible revenge must be planned, & B: perhaps it was never even out, he just said it was. Because why risk the animal's safety when the impact to OP would be identical either way.

You should come to Australia, we don’t have pet tarantulas here...

julfunky 29

Well OP time for a well thought out revenge like a bed full a centipedes or take a crap in his shoes whatever you decide make it one he'll never forget 🤔😏😈

Those saying the would kill it are braver than me. I'm so scared. Of spiders I can't get close enough to kill it and will cry until someone else does. It's awful

Burn your house down. It’s the only way to be sure.

if you do see it, try your hardest to build up the courage to kill it. thatll teach them. maybe mail the remains to them?