By Anonymous - 11/01/2015 08:44

Today, my brother woke me up by trying to light my bed on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 944
You deserved it 2 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Calm down. He was just performing the sacrificial ritual.

tantanpanda 26

He must really want you to be warm and toasty :)


Now that's what i call waking up with a fire in your belly.

Coocoo257 10

Maybe your bed shouldn't be so flammable.

hahaha I can relate, I have 5 younger siblings and they're all little terrors

At least you weren't woken up by him successfully lighting your bed on fire. Gotta savor the small wins.

My brothers and I do this kind of stuff all the time as "pranks," it's amazing none of us even broke a bone