Opposites attract

By Anonymous - 31/05/2021 14:01

Today, and in the past few weeks, my new girlfriend revealed she doesn’t think COVID is real, the vaccine is a government tracking chip, thinks Scientology makes sense, global warming is a ruse, poor people are poor because they’re lazy… Oh and she always votes Conservative. Boy, can I pick em. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 050
You deserved it 602

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I view that as a red flag. A recent ex of mine said similar things and had a knack of frequently saying brain boggling statements of stupefying proportions. I consider intelligence important in the dating realm and pure ignorance a red flag. If your girl is overall on the ignorant and on the stupid spectrum, maybe you should dump her. I sure as Hell did.

So you're saying you committed to a relationship without ever having a conversation with this person? Her profile pic musta been hella hot.


I view that as a red flag. A recent ex of mine said similar things and had a knack of frequently saying brain boggling statements of stupefying proportions. I consider intelligence important in the dating realm and pure ignorance a red flag. If your girl is overall on the ignorant and on the stupid spectrum, maybe you should dump her. I sure as Hell did.

Well it could be worse... Adding to all of that, she could think vaccines are made of aborted babies... Jokes aside, have you asked her what kind of world she lives in ? Does she have any proof to support her claim (spoiler alert: she won't...)? Now the question is, do you wnat to have fun and tear down every single one of her argument down and is it simply not worth the hassle ?

So you're saying you committed to a relationship without ever having a conversation with this person? Her profile pic musta been hella hot.

I hope she's no longer your girlfriend. She sounds like a maniac.

Ambrily 27

If everything else in the relationship is good this seems fine. People are entitled to their opinions even if they're wrong.

bleachedraven 14

It doesn't sound like they match your interests or needs, which is fine, just means it's time to be her ex, so you both can find someone to be more compatible with.

Nhayaa2.0 17

You misspelled "ex". That's a careless mistake, it happens all the time.