By Anonymous - 13/09/2012 20:37 - United Kingdom - Harlow

Today, my car alarm went off at a funeral, three times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 799
You deserved it 3 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's like the world is rejecting their death.

The first time, you turn it off. The second time, you turn it off and apologise profusely. The third time, you get in your defective piece of shit and drive the **** away.


holyshitbatman 20

simple solution: stop setting your damn alarm! you should have figured that out after the second time it went off. YDI

Was he A Wake?... I will see myself out...

Austyn57 1

were u sitting on ur keys or sum

dog1999 2

Those rascally spirits playing tricks again

courtney_lynn25 5
acetheone 8

maybe it was just mourning OP. fyl.

At least no one called you when your ringtone was "Stayin' Alive" by the Beegees...