By Apes - 25/03/2013 07:18 - United States - Temecula

Today, my cat learned how to open doors. Ever since then she's been running up to my room, opening my door, and running away. My cat is playing ding-dong ditch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 492
You deserved it 5 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArielTheMermaid 17
perdix 29

Clever cat, maybe tomorrow she'll learn to use knives and, . . ., dunh, dunh, dunh!


AHappyGoth 14
BurumaB 2

Why don't you just lock your door? It's that simple really.

hooligyn123 18

Not all doors have locks... Mine doesn't and it's a rental, so I can't just change the doorknob, there is a fine if I change hardware in the place...

BurumaB 2

Or they could put something heavy against the door like a chair or something. The point is OP is acting like they're just forced to bear the cat's antics like they have no other choice lol

Cats are weird xD Mine has teached himself to knock on the kitchen doors whenever he wants food

mokielove 10

mabey your cat is trying to tell you it wants to play . I had a lazy cat before and a cat that loved to play. weird but they don't just always lay there and be mean. some are very enjoyable and loving

next time you order pizza, make her get it

That would be a neat sight to see as a pizza delivery person.

HeadlessSparrow 20

Next time leave the door open. Maybe the cat will close it for you

That's an awesome cat. FYL though, lil suckers are hard to control!

Sounds like someone is (puts on sunglasses) being sourpuss.

Teach that cat how to get you things, and to feed itself then youll have a free servant.

purplexpinapple 11

Cats are too smart for that.

A few years ago, I had a cat that would do something similar. I had a dog that either needed to be crated or locked in my room with me at night. I chose to keep her in the room. So the cat would bang on the closed door like he wanted to come in and run away whenever I got up to let him in.