By nothotforteacher - 07/01/2010 07:13 - United States

Today, my college professor/employer failed to send in a letter I had been counting on for a scholarship application. He has also decided not to pay me for the last two months. I'm not going to make rent. Apparently this is the punishment you get for politely declining a date with a married man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 961
You deserved it 2 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

davek 36

Tell his wife, and his boss, and a lawyer.

file a compliant! people can't do that shit now a days


GiRIsMakingCupca 0

wow *** tell the popo(police):)

mugglet 0

If I were in your place I would do nothing. Finish ur degree and then listen to every one thats talking here. Losing a reference and however many years u've worked for your degree just isn't worthed.

kevin1873 1

You college kids piss me off. Get off your butt and talk to the freaking Dean. Stop crying about it and do something about it.

next time when see him kick him in the balls(my way) or u could tell everybody in college abt this jerk

ilovefails 0

This is not funny at all got me pissed of at him so much sue that bastard right away!

omg_wow 0

its nice to have someone post something that actually will affect their life in the long term...

1) thats illegal, he can't not pay you for two months, that you can sue for. 2) if you can prove sexual harrasment you can also sue for that. 3) even if you do sue, it wouldn't do you much good, it would take months in courts and you would have to find another place to live, but my guess is he just wants to "punish" you by making you lose a scholarship and making you not be abe to afford rent. unfortunately, he wins sorry

Go talk to whichever local t.v. station does the "Problem Solver" thing. Those Pinkos in the press instinctively hate academics, (probably because as "communications majors" they never got a single iota of respect from any of their professors), and I guarantee when a reporter calls the Dean, the school will settle so fast your head will spin. Now, on the downside, the scumbag, if he's tenured, will not only not lose his job, he probably won't even be punished.

This sets me on fire! I can't believe how arrogant and high-and-mighty he must feel. If you explain the chain of events, this would be considered sexual harassment, the lost pay is illegal, and the loss of scholarship makes him look awful. I would take this to the dean and get myself a lawer. It's not that you're going to win a million dollar lawsuit, but you CAN get your own justice. AT LEAST you can save his wife from dealing with a cheating husband, just by taking these steps. I hope to high heaven you nail him! (And I don't mean sexually). I wouldn't mind updates, too. If I was in Cali, and not in WA, I'd help you do this, personally. I'm not a lawer, but if you need help, please post what you need. I'm pulling for you!