By lonely - 01/08/2010 04:10 - United States
Same thing different taste
By justhelpful - 02/07/2012 17:44 - Austria - Mils
Sandwiches rule
By Sebastian Bonaparte - 11/02/2021 00:30
Priorities, mate
By Anonymous - 02/08/2009 06:10 - United States
Drunk level: 2000
By morningbirdie - 20/09/2020 14:01
This is why I left home
By Anonymous - 09/03/2024 07:00 - United States
By Jeff - 02/08/2019 04:00 - United States
Such a Saint
By hungry/grumpy/disabled - 17/07/2022 12:00
The ball game
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
Helicopter parents
By that girl. - 06/06/2012 05:26 - United States
Anger management
By FML - 08/12/2013 18:00 - Puerto Rico - Cayey
Top comments
haha sucksfor u
I don't understand the FML, you want your dad to read you a story or something?
is ur dads name jack cass?
I don't think this is an FML, the whole point of getting out of the hospital is that you're not sick anymore. But still, he should have stayed there in case anything happened.
It's funny because you don't appreciate granola bars
#46 just because you get out of the hospital doesn't mean you're not sick or in need of help still.
its funny because he rather play golf than be with you
17, op is saying tht their dad didn't care enough to stay and spend time with them, especially since op just got outta the hospital. be a little more deep..
at least he did all that. instead of making u find ur own way home
@46: You get out of the hospital when your insurance company doesn't want to pay for your stay anymore. And all of you Canadians and Europeans can suck it: I know your nationalized healthcare would've covered this, but at least we don't tax our citizens to death.
It's called survival of the fittest. :-) JK - I know our system is far from perfect, but we're working on it.
ydi for being in the hospital
hopefully :)
#82, shut the **** up, you pathetic waste of a living being. let's see how you'd feel when you're stuck in the hospital for a week with no one to visit you, you ugly, diseased prick
Bitch please. You have granola bars; your life is not ****** in any way.
If only he threw in some yogurt along with them.
lol i feel your pain except mine was when i was in hospital showing my sisters mother in law around was more important than comming and seeing me for longer than 5 mins each day for a week!!
@cheergirly16: I don't think they have them where he lives.
haha ya bro break it down granola and bars. ie: bars made from granola. durp!
lol my bad bro, didn't realize, oh well no harm done I suppose.
What do you sillynannies call them, pendatik? Nut biscuits? :P
YDI for having a father.
At least he not only brought you home, but also gave you some sustenance. Maybe I'm just odd, but I wouldn't expect my Dad to stay with me if I was alright. I mean, if you were unable to carry on by yourself, like you just had surgery and were not able to move or some similar scenario, then that's ****** up. Other than that, it really doesn't sound too bad.
Considering the OP was in the hospital for a WEEK, it must have been pretty serious. Some major surgeries only require the patient to be in the hospital overnight, two at most. A week says a lot. If he had to help her to her room, as the story says, it might have been something pretty bad. I can maybe see my dad doing just this, but that doesn't make it alright.
It could be anything really. People are in the hospital for longer periods of time for reasons other than extremely serious issues. I personally don't know of any examples off the top of my head, but I have heard of others talking about it.
Well, if it wasn't so serious, spending a week in the hospital is still pretty expensive. If it was pretty minor, or not so serious, my dad would be pushing me out of the hospital as fast as he could. I spent the night in the hospital two years ago and I couldn't believe how much it cost. Anyway, I still stand by the dad getting the OP to her room as a sign that there was something more than something like a broken bone. I can't think of any good reason why someone would stay for more than two days if it wasn't ~serious~.
sorry to hear that guys, but what's the most the dad can do? hovering over OP will probably just irritate him more.
When I had my spinal fusion, I only spent 3 days in the hospital. I couldn't make it to or stabilize myself on the toilet for 2 weeks by myself. Granted, spinal surgeries have a notoriously difficult recovery. I also found out later that my surgeon was a fucktard and used an outdated procedure, causing lots of unnecessary scar tissue and slowing recovery. ò.ó Anyway, my point is that even if OP didn't have major surgery, anything bad enough to land her on the hospital for a week is bound to cause mobility issues (unless she has kickass insurance). Just laying in a hospital bed and eating that shitty food can make you weak. Aside from probably needing help, someone so recently discharged should be supervised in case any complications develop. It's less a matter of comfort than it is of common sense.
yeah i agree with #5 Op if it aint serious stop yer beatchin
stop crying you big baby
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Show it anywaymaybe you should quit complaining. you already said you were in the hospital for a week. wasn't that enough time of people waiting on you hand and foot?!?

At least he not only brought you home, but also gave you some sustenance. Maybe I'm just odd, but I wouldn't expect my Dad to stay with me if I was alright. I mean, if you were unable to carry on by yourself, like you just had surgery and were not able to move or some similar scenario, then that's ****** up. Other than that, it really doesn't sound too bad.
OP your dad shouldn't have left you on your own, he doesn't need to sit and hold your hand or anything but he at least needs to be in shouting distance incase something happens. Golf is just a waste of a good walk anyways, I'm sure it could have waited.