By Anonymous - 21/10/2013 19:07 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad came into my room, looked at my laptop, and said he could hear the porn I was watching all the way from his room. I wasn't watching porn. We soon realised it was actually coming from his mobile phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 863
You deserved it 4 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

Someone had a guilty conscience.


That's a hard situation to live through I'm sure

laughlots4195 7
MiissAshleyy 19
tehdarkness 21

my mom went away for a weekend and while she was away me and my dad had to go get some parts for my car. He told me to look up the phone # of the store & when I opened his computer there was a **** website up. I know how awkward it is but after closing it & struggling to tell my mom, we realized we had a virus & no one was watching ****. :) sorry you have to deal with the same awkwardness xD

Goblin182 26

Virus? Yeah, that's what is was, a virus.

hatemyluck 15

Yup, I'll believe that. Okay Dad.

Why would you tell your mom? It's just ****.