By Anonymous - 21/10/2013 19:07 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad came into my room, looked at my laptop, and said he could hear the porn I was watching all the way from his room. I wasn't watching porn. We soon realised it was actually coming from his mobile phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 863
You deserved it 4 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

Someone had a guilty conscience.


"What?? How the hell did THAT happen? Someone must have hacked my phone!" At least that would be his excuse if he were an FML commenter.

perdix 29

I've always waited for the day when the Doc and Perdix would have some fml comment interaction in hopes that it would be funny and sarcastic. The day has come, and it didn't disappoint.

Rainhawk94 27

Hey it could've been women tennis

lightanddark 17

lol i remember that one. it was pretty funny.

Pops got busted playing Pop goes the Weasel.

Hahaha so he admitted to it? Poor guy....

perdix 29

So why were you watching **** on his mobile phone? Old guys don't know how to get **** on their cellphones -- otherwise society would grind to a halt. (Maybe this explains the government shutdown;)) We have enough trouble with the gosh-dang texting!

Nyarlothatep 12

Now this would be funnier if it had been posted via a mobile device. Not to say it wasn't, or that it wasn't funny...

he wasnt watching ****. his dad was on his own fone.

Have him check your history next time...if it's wiped then he can be suspicious...

now you regret everytime you had to use his phone

I just threw up a little in my mouth. Thanks for that.

A few years back my dad let me borrow his phone to go on (I was grounded and had nothing better to do) and the first thing that popped up on his history was