By Anonymous - 11/10/2010 00:37 - United States
Same thing different taste
By that was mine - 15/05/2015 22:26 - United States - Cherry Hill
By mbesameh - 11/06/2011 06:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/03/2014 20:23 - United States - Du Quoin
Thanks for nothing
By Anonymous - 12/08/2010 04:00 - United States
By koolkat9 - 22/12/2014 19:11 - United States - Albion
Gender bending
By DaddyDoesn'tLoveMe - 16/05/2022 22:00 - Canada - Ottawa
Deep-seated resentment
By Boyufd - 14/05/2020 17:00
By Anonymous - 12/12/2016 06:33
By vanillapudding6 - 14/10/2015 01:21 - Canada - Toronto
Fatherly love
By Anonymous - 27/02/2024 10:00 - Ukraine
Top comments
**** you dangerdale, you sexist pig!
He feeds on your anger.
There should really be an IQ test before people are allowed to procreate, or even just have sex. Then there would be an incentive to become a little smarter.
Sex license? Breeding only the best.
He's right. Find a rich man and support yourself and your dad.
Her dad doesn't deserve any kind of support
father of the year!
I'm not sexist...but I really hope I at least have one son. my family has a history of girls though...
Tell your dad the following: "So are you saying you prefer males to females?!?!?! Wait a second... oh, now it makes sense! No wonder you left mom; you don't like women! Well I wish you and your life partner the best of luck. Remember, you have to go to Massachusetts to get married!" If your dad is a homophobe, which I bet he is, then this should work. BTW sorry if I forgot that gays can get married in Connecticut (if they can). I don't follow East Coast news.
I did, and I think it makes good sense
I smell a troll :). Now sorry little troll, but I'm not gonna feed you. I'll just let you starve to death. Then I'll pray your dead troll soul is reincarnated as a commenter with an I.Q. above 70.
what a dick! this is ridiculous, are we not in a civil world
Well, that's a fairly dickish thing to say, unless he was joking, but somehow, I doubt he was. I do quite like mrahhhhh's (#36) idea of what you should've said to him. I think, technically, if he hasn't paid child support you can probably take him to court for that to make sure he pays up. Unless by 'supposed to' you mean that he always paid it which case ignore the first sentence.
YDI - That's something that's common knowledge, you get told that in elementary school and you can read it on the backs of packets, so I'd assume you aren't very serious about your vegetarianism. Also on the 'save the animals' topic, they wouldn't be bred that much if they weren't being eaten and therefore wouldn't exist, plus (in N.I. at least) we usually use local meat which means that it's improving our internal economy, and in this economical climate it's beneficial as most of these veggie products come from all over the place. Oh and on the argument that veggies are healthier, I doubt that severely as natural fats and proteins will always be better for you than pills or supplements, both in nutritional value and in being absorbed. A balanced diet and exercise - that's healthy. Rant over! :D
What the actual frick does that have to do with her Father being sexist?

Sexist Dad, thats not cool.
Tell your dad the following: "So are you saying you prefer males to females?!?!?! Wait a second... oh, now it makes sense! No wonder you left mom; you don't like women! Well I wish you and your life partner the best of luck. Remember, you have to go to Massachusetts to get married!" If your dad is a homophobe, which I bet he is, then this should work. BTW sorry if I forgot that gays can get married in Connecticut (if they can). I don't follow East Coast news.