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By Anonymous - 11/10/2010 00:37 - United States

Today, my dad finally told me why he never paid child support to my mom when he was supposed to for the last ten years. His reason? Because I'm a girl and I wasn't that important. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 334
You deserved it 3 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell your dad the following: "So are you saying you prefer males to females?!?!?! Wait a second... oh, now it makes sense! No wonder you left mom; you don't like women! Well I wish you and your life partner the best of luck. Remember, you have to go to Massachusetts to get married!" If your dad is a homophobe, which I bet he is, then this should work. BTW sorry if I forgot that gays can get married in Connecticut (if they can). I don't follow East Coast news.


aaawww I feel sorry for u :( my grandparents hate me too cuz I'm a girl. they haven't spoken to me in 7 years.

the way women are treated in this country is a damn shame. maybe we should just stop giving birth, and see if men can carry the human race for all of us?

How are women in 1st World countries treated any worse than males? Almost every court, police officer, TV show and Double Standard goes against men. Sexism can go either way. Life sucks for both.

hunteryager 18

???they're treated perfectly fine in this country. where do u live?

You're not a woman so naturally you would be in denial about something you've never experienced

Remind him about that comment when he's old and alone.

duh! i'm surprised you had to be told - I guess you are pretty worthless...

msapp2 0

I'm sorry that's just horrible fyl.

AntoshaChekhonte 6

I'm over sexist jokes. Anything is fair game to me, but they're so overused at this point that they're not even worth a chuckle. Be original, asshats! OP: That sucks. My dad really wanted a boy, but instead he got twin girls. Luckily, he didn't care after the fact and was a great dad. Perhaps, if you feel you still need a father figure, you could look to your friends' dads, teachers, or friends of your mom's? After my dad passed away, I found a lot of comfort in talking to my best friend's dad. I rarely get to see my old friend anymore, but I talk to his dad often.