By GEE, THANKS DAD - 28/09/2012 22:21 - United States

Today, my dad forced me to take part in a pathetic act of revenge against our neighbors, who keep parking their 4x4 in front of our house. He made me stand watch while he kept trying to slash their tires. An hour later, we were waiting for my mom to bail us out of jail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 417
You deserved it 8 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If you knew it was wrong and you did nothing but just stand there and watch instead of saying something or just walking away, YDI.

Call the police and have it towed next time! Don't slash their tires.

my dad and I tried doing this but because it wasn't blocking our view of the street, nothing could be done. coincidentally my dad and I both conspired to slash the person's tire but never actually went through with it

JoeCool6972 1

Dumbass should have just had the redneck's POS towed.

you should have been keeping watch better then..

mookiemookie01 24

There are better ways. Park them in so they can't leave, if they want to be there so badly.

Lucky you didn't get shot or your ass kicked.

Are your neighbors called the Dinkleburgs?

Parents must be proud to have such kids to rely on