By DaveAlmighty - 02/07/2009 07:22 - United States
Same thing different taste
Nice neighborhood
By Anonymous - 11/10/2015 15:34 - United States - Lexington
Cops can't catch criminals
By frustrated - 17/05/2014 10:11 - United States - Forest Park
By hitandrun - 10/08/2009 18:28 - United States
By Meg - 13/06/2009 22:46 - United States
By DrugDeal - 09/06/2011 01:24 - Canada
By GEE, THANKS DAD - 28/09/2012 22:21 - United States
I'm a weirdo, I'm a creep
By Anonymous - 08/10/2019 04:00 - Canada
By Anonymous - 19/05/2015 20:49 - Germany - Stuttgart
By Anonymous - 13/02/2015 20:24
By Ava_Darkflame - 01/01/2017 15:54 - United States - Philadelphia
Top comments
You had no way of knowing if they were doing their job right. FYL
I agree. OP was completely within his rights to be concerned for his safety, being that it was unknown that they were undercover cops. I might have called 911 first, though.
Not your fault, you did the right thing Also, 2nd?
No, you're not second if you were asking. There's a little # followed by a number in the bottom-leftish portion of your comment. Also, had you actually been second you would have been buried as you most undoubtedly already will so please just understand that calling out your number is immature. There are no hidden cool people on the internet who will be your friend for calling out your place...especially incorrectly. Now, OP, I'm going to say you did the right thing. They won't do anything to you because they're undercover and if they were doing their job they'd know you didn't work for the drug trafficker. Although its a damn shame we're wasting our valuable resources to put on a show for the world when in reality drugs are NOT the root cause of all or most that is bad with our world. They're better than some things that ARE legal in fact.
Oh wow. Took the words right out of my mouth. Especially in regards to #3. I think I love you.
isn't it more immature to type a paragraph about somebodys immaturity?
By telling those people that they're annoying, we're hopefully trying to diminish the comment board. I mean, if you look at the scroll bar, you can see how small it gets by everyone commenting, and I can guarantee you half, if not one third, is about correcting grammar or posting something unrelated to the original post. We also let them know that they accomplish nothing with being the first, third, twenty-fourth, etc. and just report abuse on their asses. Most people seem to have learned not to state their number anymore, but every once in a while you get the new idiot who feels the need to "claim" their victory.
#84, as you can see I didn't say 'no one cares, get a life'. I was simply informing the person that they were incorrect in their number calling and adding my opinion. I assumed they were trying to look cool for someone because what other reason is there for calling out your number? I then informed them that there are no hidden cool people to try and look cool for. As you can see I also put my opinion on the OP's situation and so I wasn't just feeding a troll but rather hoping to change their perspective. Ignoring the problem is like staying neutral. Its just as bad, if not worse, than actually taking an opinion on the matter don't you think? #96, if that was directed at me, I don't believe I wasted the whole paragraph on calling them immature.
"No, you're not second if you were asking. There's a little # followed by a number in the bottom-leftish portion of your comment. Also, had you actually been second you would have been buried as you most undoubtedly already will so please just understand that calling out your number is immature. There are no hidden cool people on the internet who will be your friend for calling out your place...especially incorrectly." I believe you wasted most of the paragraph, just in case you cant read..
Are you jealous because I put together a comprehensive paragraph somewhat explaining everything that was wrong with that comment? Where does it say that writing a paragraph answering someones question is, in itself, immature? Where does it say that since the paragraph has to do with immaturity it is immature itself? Honestly, it looks like you were just trying to be a bitch with no reason whereas one could argue I was looking like an asshole, but at least I was trying to do something about the problem. Meanwhile you sit on the outskirt, trying to sound witty but accomplishing nothing.
hahahaha now you're just sounding more like a dumbass. if you werent so ******* insecure you wouldnt sit on critiquing peoples comments and trying to do "something about the problem." that is just ******* pathetic. if you want to solve problems go be a ******* cop. people will still hate you just as much.
Hahahaha cops don't 'solve' anything. They aid in maintaining the same inefficient order we're used to. Right, I'm sounding like a dumbass. I'm sure. Really you're just being a nitpicky bitch at the moment and I wonder what crawled up your ****** and died that you'd have to take it out on me?
the question should be what crawled up your ****** to have to take your anger out on other people. maybe I'M trying to solve the problem of stupid ******* assholes on you coming on here and being rude to people that are just trying to have fun. you seem like the asshole bully that everyone hated, that was mean to people for no reason whatsoever. instead of doing that maybe you should try and think of things that actually matter in life, okay? bye now
Your argument implies I should stop what I'm doing, which is exactly what you're doing. But really, who cares? You basically reworded what I said, and threw it back at me which is flattering I suppose? You think I don't know what matters? Do you? That's what matters.
Seriously just shut the **** up.jeez
It's funny how she was critiquing other people's things.
This doesn't make any sense. If they WERE cops, why would they speed away once you came chasing after them with your bat? Undercover or not, they would have done/said something.........
I imagine they deemed it smarter for them to drive off and not break their cover, than to flash their badges and risk alerting the family they're targeting that they're cops. I think if they weren't busy with other things, though, they would have arrested you IF the road they were parked on was a public road; you can't chase people off public property using threats of violence, you know.
not true. if you were an undercover cop, trying NOT to be a cop in front of a drug dealers house, you probably loved the fact that some man just called you a pervert. Excellent cover for sitting in a car for hours on end. You would not go around flashing your badge and being all HEY I'M A COP GET THE **** OUT OF MY FACE BECAUSE I'M A COP CARRYING A BADGE!!!!!!!
think of this way. the cops are scared of you.. haha ur the shit. although in reality they just didn't want their cover blown so they left or else they would have ****** you up.
Well, I haven't voted either way, because you are just epic! The undercover cops still got their job done without much difficulty, and you got to "scare" them away with a baseball bat!!! Honestly, even if I saw actual perverts staring at my neighbours house, I would be a bit too scared to try and drive them away. So, full marks to you for having the guts to defend your neighbourhood.
That wasn't actually meant to be a reply to #6... oh well
hahahha thats jokess.. those pigs will get ya
LOL not an fml wish there is FMYDAY on here :D
What? Your life doesn't have to be a complete disaster for it to be an FML!!! This is definitely an FML, considering all the lame ones we usually get on this site
Definitely FML. Not only did he accidentally threaten lawmen, but his dealer got arrested too! How's he supposed to get high now?
hehe is it only me thinking that u can foresee the future?? since u start the story with "today" and finish it with "the next day" :P
Lol he's just trying to get an angry reaction cos not only did he post "First!" (which severely pisses off about 90% of FML members) but he wasn't actually first. So it was a deliberate fail really.

You had no way of knowing if they were doing their job right. FYL
You weren't to know, if they were sitting in front of your house they deserved it.