By Izamellayella - 15/11/2011 01:29 - United States

Today, my date threw a fit, burst into tears, and made a huge scene in the middle of a crowded restaurant, all because I offered to pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 947
You deserved it 3 126

Izamellayella tells us more.

I just now realized that this was posted, and, yes, I do realize that it was more than two months ago. He was actually my friend's old roommate, and she introduced us around a year ago. We didn't really interact that much but I thought that he was nice, so when he asked me out, I decided that I'd at least give him a chance. For the record, it wasn't some elaborate ultra-expensive fancy restaurant, but the meal certainly wasn't cheap. I've been in the habit of offering to pay for my meals for a while now, and I certainly wasn't expecting that kind of reaction for him. And no, I don't think that the guy paying for the date is sexist. I don't see why the girl can't pay sometimes, though, and I was just trying to be nice. If he'd wanted to pay, he could have told me instead of freaking out like that. He never called me back after that, but even if he did, I wouldn't have gone on another date with him. I enjoyed reading your comments! Most of you guys are really funny.

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

Good for you for offering to pay. You obviously deserve better though.


hey babe you can be my sugar mama i dont mind :)

My boyfriend does this everytime I try to pay...

scottm1 0

You can pay for my meal and hookers anytime. They are usually the same thing anyway

wow first time and last time i ever take you on a date

SkardeyKat 3

Wow here I am dreaming of a guy who will actually pay for dinner and this chick is trying to make everyone think all females don't want men to pay. I would still be ok with a man paying, opening doors, pulling out chairs, etc.

SkardeyKat 3

Oh wait maybe OP is female. Well either way, it should not be a big deal.

You know that's a red flag rite? And Shall we say mental?

MeMareeh 0

The red flag here is not who should pay. It's the irrational drama melt-down in public. Crying? Really??? OP this is what you have to look forward to every time he can't get his own way. Are you up for this type of behavior? That's the real question here.