By Izamellayella - 15/11/2011 01:29 - United States

Today, my date threw a fit, burst into tears, and made a huge scene in the middle of a crowded restaurant, all because I offered to pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 947
You deserved it 3 126

Izamellayella tells us more.

I just now realized that this was posted, and, yes, I do realize that it was more than two months ago. He was actually my friend's old roommate, and she introduced us around a year ago. We didn't really interact that much but I thought that he was nice, so when he asked me out, I decided that I'd at least give him a chance. For the record, it wasn't some elaborate ultra-expensive fancy restaurant, but the meal certainly wasn't cheap. I've been in the habit of offering to pay for my meals for a while now, and I certainly wasn't expecting that kind of reaction for him. And no, I don't think that the guy paying for the date is sexist. I don't see why the girl can't pay sometimes, though, and I was just trying to be nice. If he'd wanted to pay, he could have told me instead of freaking out like that. He never called me back after that, but even if he did, I wouldn't have gone on another date with him. I enjoyed reading your comments! Most of you guys are really funny.

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

Good for you for offering to pay. You obviously deserve better though.


Are you a guy or a girl. If you are a guy, you date is stupid! If your a girl that might take the masculinity away from him. Then again considering he threw a fit he had to have had no masculinity!

uprising_fml 0

excuse me, but do you live under a ******* rock ? when I go out with my boyfriend, guess what ? we take turns paying . paying for a meal is NOT masculine you idiot--it is traditional, but that notion is continuing to become less and less common . men like OPs boyfriend are disappointments and insecure assholes who need to grow up and get over themselves .

how is that insecure? some guys prefer to pay. Others prefer to split, and some rather their dates pay. It's just preference.

perdix 29

I'd cry and make a scene too if I were publicly castrated like that with a dull butter knife. Why would you cut his balls off like that? If he asked you out on a date, he expects to pay. If you want to pay, you'd have to invite him out. If you feel some sort of debt to him, sex is the preferred currency of repayment ;)

Thats still no excise for him to act like a girl

perdix 29

You are totally right! Bursting into tears certainly ruined his chances of getting laid. Ironically, if he burst out in tears at the right moment of a chick flick, that would insure he got laid. It's all about context, I suppose :D

perdix 29

It is more the etiquette of who invited whom to the date. While I am all for equality between the sexes, I'm realistic enough to know that there are going to be gender roles for a very long time, if not forever. When women start hitting on men 50% of the time, and initiating 50% of the dates, come back and talk to me then. I'll probably be too busy then ;)

If this was a guy....was the girl just trying to say ," u r not getting laid tonight". If this was a woman.....let her ass pay. It probably won't happen again.

While I'd prefer to pay or at least go Dutch on a first date if someone insisted on paying after I suggested both of the latter then I'd gladly except their generous and offer to return the favor next time.

You where very kind, on behalf of all male kind, thank you, he is NOT what we are all hoping to be. Your fine gesture is greatly appreciated, and hopefully the next gentlemen you sit across a table from will react more appropriately.

perdix 29

OK, but make sure you don't edit out that part about me being too busy when all the women start asking me out. People might think I made a totally serious comment and that would ruin my rep!

Poetaster 10

On the way to drop this date off at daycare, Find a more mature date for the next dinner.