By Unsanitary - 26/06/2011 10:32 - United Kingdom

Today, my daughter spent three hours crying and having a temper tantrum over being forced to have a bath after four days without one. My daughter is 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 449
You deserved it 11 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kiaralove53 0

You shouldn't force her to bathe, she is 16, let her live with everyone telling her how bad she smells.

iAmScrubs 19

Post the video of her on her Facebook page. That is the best revenge possible.


Generally when a teen starts ignoring basic hygiene it means something else is going on (I know, captain obvious to the rescue right?) It's altogether possible that she's been sexually assaulted and too traumatized to talk about it. Children (and teens) who have been sexually assaulted try to make themselves unappealing to their attacker (or other, would be attackers) by dressing in baggy, often layered, clothing, ceasing to bathe etc. Talk to her OP, and try to figure out what's behind her ceasing to bathe.

justanotherrando_fml 2

You should had made it a habit before

Aww, poor you a smelly 16 year old and a tantrum. :( that really sucks!

itouchuser77 8

is your daughter's inspiration ke$ha?

tmmundy 17

I totally agree. you never know these days. I was molested as a young child and acted out. children react differently.

You Should Get Her A Swimming Pool..

Wow, I would personally febreeze her down. That's just disgusting.