By i_am_forever - 06/01/2015 01:59 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my daughter was putting clothes in the drier when she yelled, "Mom!! The drier won't start!" I had to explain to her that the door needed to be shut. Her response, "Oh. I didn't know that mattered." She's 15. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 776
You deserved it 6 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you need to teach children things, they never just know them on their own.


One of hundreds of reasons why I do not have a girlfriend

The simple things that are often overlooked. I remember at 15 I didn't know how to use a top load washer.

anthonyksee 11

Should have texted her it maybe she would have understood better

GummiieBear 12

That's bad on your part. At 15, she should know that closing the door is normal... Whether it's from seeing you do it, seeing it on tv, even just walking past the dryer while it's on. Her obliviousness is on you.

Bad jeans? (intentional)... her parent doesn't know how to spell dryer...

Sounds like something my 15 year old sister would say -_-

Your daughter is super dumb. Don't let her have kids. Ever!!!

she should know better... BUT... In her defense, most washers start without the lid closed. maybe she thought dryers worked the same way. Also, if you have a top loading dryer(idk if you do or not) or a front loading washer, it is a lot easier to understand the misconseption... She is 15, so there is no GOOD excuse for her not knowing better, but its a simple mistake