By i_am_forever - 06/01/2015 01:59 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my daughter was putting clothes in the drier when she yelled, "Mom!! The drier won't start!" I had to explain to her that the door needed to be shut. Her response, "Oh. I didn't know that mattered." She's 15. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 776
You deserved it 6 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you need to teach children things, they never just know them on their own.


bosquez559 15

Did anyone else notice the she spelled "dryer" wrong?

That child would never have survived natural selection... Such a shame we don't have a prominent natural selection process anymore

ydi.... shes your child and you are supposed to teach her the simple stuff like that. if you wouldve started when she was a toddler you wouldnt have this problem. i have a 3 year old who can clean up, do laundry and vaccum.

You can't teach intelligence and basic logic...

I made a small spelling error. Get over it. And yes I taught her she just thought it would start better the door was closed like the washer

As the parent it is your job to teach your kids these things...

You deserve that one. You have to teach your kids those things. Basic survival skills. Luckily, this can be fixed

Drier isn't wrong, guys. Words like that can be spelled either way, like flyer or flier. It's less common but not wrong.