By cheshirealyce - 05/03/2015 17:36 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, my day began with a "Good morning, beautiful." and ended with a "Maybe someone would love you if you were pretty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 621
You deserved it 2 822

Same thing different taste


What if that same person was talking about your personality instead of your looks?

To bad you can't post a picture of yourself so we can be the judges

Honestly 22, just stop commenting, no one likes your ******* comments.

I agree. Photo evidence would be nice on some of these FMLs.

Cozy_Blanket 16

This is what happens when you get out of bed. Next time get the compliment and just sleep the rest of the day!

Beautiful and pretty are obviously very different

Then you're not pretty. You're beautiful.

hmrhoades 18

That's one person's opinion. He/she is obviously shallow and will probably never find true love if he/she just goes by looks. Don't let it bring you down. I'm sure you've got great characteristics and will someday find someone who sees them.

I would have replied with "guess who I got it from?

Moms can be so mean sometimes without even realizing.