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By Anonymous - 14/05/2016 14:26 - Italy - Bologna

Today, my dog apparently vomited straight down a heating vent while I was out. The stench was so bad that when I got home and the smell hit me, I threw up too. Looks like I'll be spending a few days with my mother as the house airs out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 930
You deserved it 1 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the handiest things I have done with my dogs is teach them to barf in the bathtub. If it's just hunger pukes (just the yellow bile), you can just wash it down and if it's actual vomit, it's easier to clean up, then you wash the residue down the drain. Whenever they make that awful noise that tells you they're going to barf, you make a big fuss and rush them to the bathtub. It's kind of like housebreaking them as puppies. My boys will hop in the tub without being told now. Barfing doesn't happen often, but when it does, they'll even warn me when they feel it coming if there is a closed door between them and the tub. That way, in situations like the OP's, you might come home to a gross surprise in your tub, but at least it won't be on your carpet or in the heating vent or somewhere hidden for you to discover later. It does take longer to teach since dogs don't barf nearly as often as they go to the bathroom, but they do pick it up quickly.

At least you have another place to stay! The smell of vomit is the worst


At least you have another place to stay! The smell of vomit is the worst

moo77_fml 20

No #3, OP plans on leaving their dog home alone with noone to care for it for a few days while they wait for house to air out.

One of the handiest things I have done with my dogs is teach them to barf in the bathtub. If it's just hunger pukes (just the yellow bile), you can just wash it down and if it's actual vomit, it's easier to clean up, then you wash the residue down the drain. Whenever they make that awful noise that tells you they're going to barf, you make a big fuss and rush them to the bathtub. It's kind of like housebreaking them as puppies. My boys will hop in the tub without being told now. Barfing doesn't happen often, but when it does, they'll even warn me when they feel it coming if there is a closed door between them and the tub. That way, in situations like the OP's, you might come home to a gross surprise in your tub, but at least it won't be on your carpet or in the heating vent or somewhere hidden for you to discover later. It does take longer to teach since dogs don't barf nearly as often as they go to the bathroom, but they do pick it up quickly.

do you never feed your dogs? they should never be so hungry that they're throwing up bile.

I wish I'd known about this trick with my dog. He has a reflux problem with no cure and is a regular vomitter. I'm an empathy puker. It's a life long conditon. He's 10 now. It's a fun life full of hardwood floors and no rugs.

DeadxManxWalking 27

that's actually a brilliant idea, gotta teach that to my future dogs along with going to the bathroom in the toilet

My dog doesn't puke often, but I try so hard to get him to at least puke in the kitchen. I'll gently lead him, no scolding, and he still insists on puking on the carpet instead of the linoleum.

That is so smart, I make a huge fuss and let my dog outside, so now he only pukes in the grass. My cat on the otherhand refuses to throw up/hair ball anywhere else but in the middle of doorways so you step in it.

That's why my dog goes everywhere he can with me and if he's not with me he's in my room in his crate with his blankie, his bed, and his ball. He has awful separation anxiety and will tear things up or throw up everywhere and do all kinds of different things that I don't want him to do out of stress/being upset that I'm gone so being in my room where it obviously smells very strongly like me has made a huge difference for him and then having his den AKA his crate to get in has made it much easier for him and he is much happier just in general.

Awwww that sucks! Welp, at least you get quality time with the moms :)

Uh, with such a drastic reaction to the smell, I can't help wondering how you managed to clean the puke out of the heat vent, because if you didn't, the airing the house won't do anything.

I'm a mother of two with a very strong sympathy puking reaction to vomit smell. The way I manage to cope with cleaning up vomit is this: I douse a scarf in a strong perfume and tie it around my mouth and nose. Masks up the smell perfectly. And I've very early started to teach my kids about puke buckets. They know to use the nearest trash can if they can't reach the bathroom in time.

My aunt and uncle dog puked in one on there rv vent before and they have to pay extra days in the cabins when it was air out while it air out they was going to leave the next day

thunderniron 22

Turn the system off, pull the cover and pour some lime powder down the vent. The lime will dry out the vomit, killing the smell and making it easier to clean out of the vent.