By Anonymous - 23/04/2011 05:11 - United States

Today, my dog disappeared for an hour. After I'd called her name repeatedly, she crawled out from under my bed, threw up on my feet, and then happily walked out the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 102
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImaWiseGuy 5

I just have to spark a blunt and my dog pops up like David Blaine.....


Your comment : ewww dog puke. this is why im hesitant to have animals. mayb i should stick with caged pets like hamsters and birds.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

They are just as messy... I own a couple parrots, two dogs, and three hamsters.

thebestof1984 0

I agree with 18. At one point I had a rabbit, cat and dog. The rabbit was the messiest out of them all.

ilovehamburgers 0

fish are pretty clean if you take care of them.

Monikabug 9

Fish are kind of more like pieces of furniture that you have to feed daily. If you want a pet then you need to realize that they all take work and are all messy in one way or another, but also that some of them are more loving and devoted to you than others are. So though fish may need less work, how many times have you seen a fish nuzzle you or give you kisses or bring you bring their owner a present?

You were looking in your room for your dog? How big is your room, if it took you an hour?

It's a girl dog because the OP referred to the dog as "she." Note the phrase, "she crawled out from under my bed." And OP, you DID punish your asshole dog for her disobedience, right?

tbh it sounds like ur dog either is or was pregnant. I'd check periodically under the bed if I were u.