By Anonymous - 23/04/2011 05:11 - United States

Today, my dog disappeared for an hour. After I'd called her name repeatedly, she crawled out from under my bed, threw up on my feet, and then happily walked out the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 102
You deserved it 4 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ImaWiseGuy 5

I just have to spark a blunt and my dog pops up like David Blaine.....


jennifer93 0

And that is the tale of the last time you played hide & go seek with your dog...

Your comment : i actually had two hamsters and they weren't dirty cuz they lived in their own little caged house and if they wanna throw up or something it would be in thier house not mine. every other weekend i would take it to the cleaners to have her cage cleaned. so that was easier than a dog.

I can't tell if your dog is capable of verbally yelling her own name, or if you just need to work on your grammar.

Stfub003 0

Don't worry about the grammar...

OP: *calling for dog* Dog: " What! Geez, I get know freakin' privacy in this house!" *throws up on your shoes* "Oh and I plan to poop somewhere in the house, but I'm not telling you where." *walks away* Is that what happened OP? XD

I guess Emily likes dog barf on her toes... nasty

the dog being lost was not it's fault, it was probably asleep how can you punish pets for that? I feel sorry for your pets :/