By anonymous - 31/10/2014 04:24 - United States - Rancho Cordova

Today, my ex-girlfriend started dating the guy she told me not to worry about when we dated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 374
You deserved it 4 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

makes you wonder what she was up to while you guys were dating.

askullnamedbilly 33

Unless she started dating him immediately after you two broke up, it's not really any of your business. You're not with each other anymore and are both allowed to date whomever you want. If the timing isn't suspicious, there's no reason for you to assume that there was anything going on while you were dating.


I did the same thing to my ex. To be fair, he constantly thinking other men were a threat was getting into my nerves. I tried to make it work, but when I said things like "I don't want to lay with every guy in the vicinity, I just want to make some friends too!" He'd say "okay, go ahead...I'm gonna feel AWFUL, but I'm gonna pretend I'm happy, anything for you!" To obviously try to guilt me. And he wasn't even a good pretender. The other guy was my emotional support during that time, for a problem he'd brought up himself. No, I didn't have sex with him, or kiss him, but he gave me the good ol' butterflies. I dreamed about our life together, even! I broke up with my ex to immediately be with him. I didn't try to rub it in his face, but I wasn't willing to hide and he was stalking me, so he found out and got pretty mad I "lied" to him.

Plus, how "worrying" about someone would save a relationship is beyond me. What are you gonna do? Forbid her from seeing him? What do you think this would lead up to? If you are so mad, she clearly liked him one way or another, so "living happy ever after" isn't a possible outcome. I don't think getting your partner angry is a key dor a successful relationship.

Ahh isn't that always the way? Same thing totally happened to me with my first boyfriend. I dumped him though so I guess it didn't really bother me haha. Sorry though!

Don't worry OP. While we might not know all the details, feelings are bound to o be hurt. Think of it this way, go out with your best buddy and travel a bit. You'll soon be forgetting about her and experiencing life. You'll meet a stranger that gives you a coy look and a flirty little smile. Just take it one day at a time and soon the healing process will begin. A year later or so and you look back and think to yourself why did you ever date her.

Op as much as it sucks she's free to date she moved on and so should you

Breakups are though, especially in these kinds of situations, and we don't know all the details, but please try and move on with your life because she clearly has. It will take time, but you will eventually feel okay. Try and remove her completely from your life so you don't see her Facebook pictures with him etc. Focus on you, and not her because she's not worth your time anymore.

I know that feeling. You are better off without her and you will find someone you derseve.

Things could have changed in the meanwhile.

RusticChick 27

I have to put my word out there. In all honesty, I've been that girl. I met a guy while with what was my boyfriend. The guy and I clicked instantly and became best friends. He respected my relationship though he liked me. We hung out yet NEVER did anything. I was faithful and loyal, as I always am and have been to the guy I'm with. Two months later, I broke up with my boyfriend, whom was a sweetheart but had no drive to do anything with his life or be anything more than lazy. I couldn't be with someone like that. The other guy was a hard working, funny, caring and trustworthy and better for me in every way. Like I said, we became best friends. And he is now my current boyfriend of 2 years. Happily together still. But we didn't get together till a few good months after my break up. My point is, the situation does NOT automatically make the girl a hoe or mean that she cheated. Maybe she did but maybe she didn't. It's hard to say considering we don't know the whole story and circumstances. Like everyone has said, if those two broke up, whomever they date is none of the exes business.

People change...maybe at the time you were dating, she would never give him the time of day, but he's now the best catch for her.