By anonymous - 31/10/2014 04:24 - United States - Rancho Cordova

Today, my ex-girlfriend started dating the guy she told me not to worry about when we dated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 374
You deserved it 4 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

makes you wonder what she was up to while you guys were dating.

askullnamedbilly 33

Unless she started dating him immediately after you two broke up, it's not really any of your business. You're not with each other anymore and are both allowed to date whomever you want. If the timing isn't suspicious, there's no reason for you to assume that there was anything going on while you were dating.


Because you were the priority, man. Stop stalking, you're not together anymore for a reason. Imagine the other way around.

This shit happened to me too. It's way too common. You're better without her.

What a kawinkydink, that happened to me too! He said he say her as a sister and that would never happen! We broke up Christmas, then by Valentine's Day they were together.

I also was in that situation, it sucks big time!!! ???

My ex fiancé did the same to me. It was irritating.

parkwaydrive7 9

I'm right there with you OP, same shit happened to me

That's not evidence she's done anything wrong. Get your nose out of your ex's business; it'll help you move on with your life faster.

I'm suspecting your girlfriend was cheating.