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By facebookdeception - 31/10/2014 04:25 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I found out that the girl on Facebook that helped me out of my sadness after my break-up and who I'd hopelessly fallen in love with was just a prank by my ex-girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 235
You deserved it 4 508

Same thing different taste


incoherentrmblr 21

At least you're not married to Gone Girl...

OP I suggest you hack into her Facebook, write to ALL her friends, and I mean ALL, that she's a lesbian (not that I have anything against gays and lesbians) and then watch her mom freak out, she gets grounded, make her life miserable! Make all her friends and family hate her and watch the plan work it's magic! (I'm just joking by the way)

rldostie 19

@74: why would she get grounded for being a lesbian and why would her friends hate her or make her miserable? What world do you live in? Perhaps her mother will commend her courage for coming out and everyone will accept her. Why so negative?

That's awful. Sorry OP stay strong. It gets better

the things people will do to have a laugh..

tony1891 22

he who laughs last, laughs loudest tho.

Goblin182 26

He who laughs last didn't get the joke.

Making someone feel better is a strange prank. She maybe didn't want you to be sad and didn't expect you to fall in love with her. If it was intentional, she's really mean.

Or maybe his ex girlfriend just hates him and wanted to mess with him

MzZombicidal 36

It says it was a prank from his ex so I assume it was intentional. Which is just cruel. :(

Pranks are intended to hurt someone intentionally for amusement, not help people out of sadness. Maybe they broke up and she saw how upset OP was, so tried to help. I guess it depends on HOW she did it. If she comforted him and he just happened to fall for her, that's not a bad thing on her part. If she hit on him and attempted to make him fall for her, then that is a bad thing.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

5--- I agree with you. I feel like ops ex wanted to help him emotionally move on... and ops taking it a bit harsher than she meant to come across. there's two sides to every story people.

#5&58...would you be saying the same thing if it were a guy doing this to a girl? I think not..

IKickPuppiesHard 16

Seems like the motivation someone would need to swear off social media. Geez.

I know that really sucks, but just remember this; thousands of people on FML are rallying behind you on hating this God forsaken bitch.

You... You really just made me question my life and who I am. Well played, Baustigt.

Don't trust a hoe Never trust a hoe Don't trust me.

That shit is just cruel, I don't understand how some people can do this

Very pathetic of her... Not sure if it's something you would do but after a breakup, I deleted facebook for a few months and just stayed in contact with close friends. It helped.

why do people always take words on a screen so seriously? ydi