By Anonymous - 09/05/2013 16:01 - United States

Today, my ex-wife, whom I divorced just 8 months ago, asked me to attend her wedding, because "it would mean a lot" to her. She's marrying the man she cheated on me with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 256
You deserved it 3 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good riddance. In the words of a wise young black woman, "SHE A STUPID HOE."

MrSarcasmic 10

don't worry the poor sap will find out the same as you


Go to the wedding and **** her sister.....or mother

It's probably just a courtesy in case her parents liked you. I'm sure she doesn't really expect you to show up.

Don't go, she wants you to go because it will reassure HER that YOU'VE forgiven her! It's all about making her feel ok with herself regardless of how you actually feel about her adultery.

Go for the free food and hire a model on line to come as your date and shower you with affection.

Wedding Crash that ************!!!!!

ElvisChrist6 4

At least it means she didn't leave you in vain. She obviously actually loves that person, so at least she didn't cheat because she didn't love you or whatever. I personally would find that slightly reassuring, as awful as the situation is, that she did it because she had to, not because of you. Still, not to take away from how hard it must have been of course. Surely it'd be worse if she did it for someone she didn't give a **** about rather than someone she'd want to marry?

Open bar? I say go, make an ass out of yourself, and ruin her wedding. Be sure to repeatedly point out that she is a cheater and a liar.

Quadroblitz 10

I'd have about a million things to say in that situation.

Tell you don't ******* care if it means anything to her! She obviously didn't care about your feelings when she cheated, and doesn't care about how you would feel about going to her wedding either... ******* bitch, is nobody faithful anymore?

Come with a supermodel in a white dress.