By satega - 10/12/2012 19:07 - United States - Smithville

Today, my family went on a family trip without me. Their reason for not bringing me? My older sister wanted extra legroom during the drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 179
You deserved it 1 941

satega tells us more.

Op here. Figured I'd add this tidbit, the ride originally consisted of me, my mother, my sister and my mothers boyfriend. So it really wasn't s family trip at all in ether end.

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Then she can ride on the roof where she can have all the legroom she wants.

Don't know about you. But I'd rather be at home doing what I want, than stuck in a car with my family including a sister who needs that much leg room. whole home personal space expansions for the win.


You have the whole house to yourself. Go wild, throw a party.

All of these horribly neglectful families break my heart...sorry OP!