By satega - 10/12/2012 19:07 - United States - Smithville

Today, my family went on a family trip without me. Their reason for not bringing me? My older sister wanted extra legroom during the drive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 179
You deserved it 1 941

satega tells us more.

Op here. Figured I'd add this tidbit, the ride originally consisted of me, my mother, my sister and my mothers boyfriend. So it really wasn't s family trip at all in ether end.

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Then she can ride on the roof where she can have all the legroom she wants.

Don't know about you. But I'd rather be at home doing what I want, than stuck in a car with my family including a sister who needs that much leg room. whole home personal space expansions for the win.


My family likes to stick me in the back seat on road trips, despite knowing I get extremely carsick unless I'm in the driver's seat (and it's better in the front passenger seat, I'll be nauseous, but no puking). I also use crutches to get around and it is EXTREMELY hard to fit those in the back seat when sharing it with someone else. But nope, Mom has to sit in the front seat, fall asleep, drool all over herself, while snapping at me if I try to maintain a conversation with my Dad. She has a licence but refuses to drive and won't let anyone else drive (despite myself, my brother and my partner all having licences and experience), which means poor Dad can be stuck in the driver's seat for ten hours while I'm puking and my mother is snoring like a sawmill. When my brother insists on bringing his car on road trips, despite my parents also driving? Then it's awesome.

My family went on a trip once and told me I wasn't allowed to come because they wanted to take my brother's friend instead

Oh my goodness, Rose1122, that is awful. You have my sympathy, as does the OP.

Spoilt brat and douchebag parents. Let them have their little holiday, sounds like you can have a few days without them driving you insane.

Wait until the day your family comes back from the vacation, then burn down the house. When everyone's like "OMG what happened?" just go "Well I needed the extra space.." and walk away

graphicstyle7 17

Some people are unlucky enough to have a toxic family. Get away from them as much as possible. When and if you are old enough, leave and go to another part of the country. Then, when you can, get some therapy. Good luck, lots of people have crappy families, so, you're not alone.

Bravo, graphicstyle7. That is great advice.

That's beyond ****** up. Trash the house with a huge rager, OP.

Eat all the food in their house, and take/spend any money they may have lying around. My parents almost did that to me one christmas, but I think my mum thought better of it.

You should steal all if their money and go shopping, reason: bored

Now you have the whole house to yourself :)