By unmarried - 04/05/2016 00:39 - Canada - Weston

Today, my fiancé received his divorce papers. Thanks to his procrastinating, his divorce is effective May 29th. We're supposed to get married on May 28th. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 392
You deserved it 5 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can't feel sorry for you because you knew he was still legally married, yet you planned your own wedding to him. The smart thing would have been to wait until his divorce was final, especially since you know him and know he's a procrastinator

Can you sign the papers and stuff on the 30th but still have the ceremony on the 28th? Anyway, so sorry OP.


Crazy_Apples_13 2

You totally deserve this. So my question is, how long were you the other woman? ?

Would she really be considered the other woman if they're separated? I took it as it just took this long to get him finalize the divorce.

People can be separated for YEARS before filing for divorce. Actually, it makes it so much easier to file if you have been separated for over a year. This situation is in no way suggesting she was 'the other woman'. I was in a situation similar to his. My divorce was finalized about a week and a half before my wedding. I did not cheat on my ex husband. He actually cheated on me, leaving me for his mistress. We were separated for over 3 years before we divorced and I met my husband almost 6 months after my ex and I separated. You shouldn't judge a situation you know very little about.

mcruff 12

Doesn't this imply that you were seeing a married man for at least some period of time? Shouldn't you have been pushing him more to make sure something like this didn't happen?

Have your wedding ceremony without any legality, then go to court the next day and do a court wedding.

saffy66 34

It's never a good idea to plan a wedding before a divorce date is known. Even if the papers are filed well ahead a time, there can be many technical hitches to delay the hearing or the final grant of divorce. It happened to a friend of my mother's once. Because the reception and everything else was paid for, they had a commitment ceremony (you can't have an actual wedding ceremony) and had the reception, then married at the courthouse a week later.

is this FML related to the one who found out her bf was married?

That's my wedding day too! Nothing wrong with getting married on Sunday instead. But have him personally call all of your guests

no sympathy because you were dating a married man

If they were separated it's not cheating.

homewrecking bitch. I bet you're the reason he's getting divorced. I hope he cheats on you like he did with his wife.

I think it's fine to be with someone while they're married, my husband was married until a couple of months before we got married, you shouldn't have planned a wedding until it was finalized though