By unwed - 11/12/2010 06:56 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Guntherdog - 27/06/2013 15:17 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/10/2012 19:34 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/01/2015 13:45 - United States
Boots on the ground
By Anonymous - 06/03/2024 18:00 - Canada - Gatineau
By Anonymous - 14/09/2020 20:01
By no luck - 30/09/2010 17:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/01/2011 04:24 - United States
By Distraught - 01/03/2011 21:08 - Reserved
By IDon't - 13/10/2013 10:49 - Australia - Berkeley Vale
Shelve your plans
By anon17 - 18/03/2010 13:49 - United States
Top comments
First? :-)
aw I'm so soryy
You can get anywhere from several months to only 24 hours notice. My friends husband was just given 6 days notice that he would be TAD to the ship for 3 months. You don't always get advanced notice. In my husbands job he is likely to only get at most a weeks notice because of his classification. It's not a perfect system but it works the way it does for a reason. In the military you have to be flexible and never put a date on anything. Things happen when they happen.
#61, deployment is not a choice. You can volunteer for deployments, but if you're already enlisted and they tell you you're going to be deployed, you don't have a choice in the matter. And yes, you usually get 4 months notice about, if not more, but sometimes circumstances pop that make it so you get very little notice. I've seen it happen in my squadron that someone gets injured and was supposed to deploy, so the squadron has to have someone else go and they can get even as short as 24 hours notice.
@61 Oh and just because you volunteer to join the army doesn't mean you get to choose to deploy or not.
that sucks.
tell your fiancé I said thanks for serving :)
aww I hope there's enough time to rearrange it but if there isn't and you both feel strongly that you want to do it before he's deployed then you can: 1. call close family and friends only and a small ceremony at home or wherever and save the big stuff for later 2. elope this is between you and him and if you just don't have time then do it for yourselves and explain the situation to family and friends I think they'll understand and have a bigger ceremony/reception/party when he comes back Hope he comes home safe!
why do we assume it's a man?
is that a gunboot/bootgun tatoo ?

That's just his excuse to bail. :-P
D: D: D: AWW FYL!! No one can YDI this..
Technically, I died in July 2007. But you didn't know about the secret 7th horcrux. So I'm back, hiding in a cave in Afghanistan for the time being.
shouldn't marry into the military? really? I'm sorry but you can't stop love
@78 - Thank you! @85 - AVADA KEDAVRA! @89 - 'tis a pity, indeed. :-( oops, I mean :(
Also @85: "acttually," "technacaly," "so and," and "your" instead of "you're"? Seriously, if I could kill you again, I would. :)
stfu Harry potter is dead twlightis thang nerd
how could you even use twighlight and harry potter in the same sentence? that's just offensive, bro.
@116: Harry Potter is NOT dead...yet.
This is why I always liked you better :D
Harry potter and twilight are both equally gay..... you know... just saying....
:) nice...
Screw you asshole our men overseas are braver and work harder than you ever will. Keep your gay profile pic and stupid comments to yourself
That is horrible he is going to serve his country not trying to get out of a wedding you douche
Change the day by one? YDI cause you knew this could happen, you knew what you got yourself into. Should have picked a closer date.
if you knew anything about the military, you would know that deployments can not be planned!! they just happen!
first. wedding are usually planned few months in advance. and you only get the deployment notice weeks or 1 month before u have to leave. second, she may NEVER see her fiancé ever again! if you know what I meant. third, you can't just change the date of wedding. how are you gonna inform friends or relatives you have invited that the date had changed or cancelled? and we all know most thing spent on wedding are non refundable. so, this to me. is to FML of the year.
First off- The military doesnt tend to do quick deployment notices anymore. You will always have a generous notice about a deployment unless you are in a quick response force (Delta, Seals, Ranger) I knew about my deployment in March and we left in September. My husband knew in May and he deployed in November. You always have at least 90 days notice in the current military. This isnt an FMLife because you knew what you were getting into. The military deploys, if you cant handle this than you probably shouldnt marry into the military. It gets worse- dont worry.
#71 What would your solution be? Don't get married? Its an FML because the deployment date is the day they planned to get married. That does not mean that they were not aware of what could happen when they planned their wedding, just that it sucks that he is being deployed when he is. sucks for the OP, truly a FML.
71, yes the military does still do quick deployments! I know they try to give 90+ days notice, but if the person that originally was supposed to deploy is injured or otherwise unable to go, someone has to take his or her place! That means that you can still get as little as 24 hours notice.
Solution? Get over it and either do a JP wedding or do a smaller ceremony another day. My husband left 3 weeks after our wedding, which was postponed and changed 2 times because I deployed, then he was told he was deploying back in January which didn't. So yes- I know that things happen but if you are going to marry into the military then you need to realize that you cannot always plan things out. Women not understanding that is why the divorce and infidelity rate is so high.
You all deserve it working for a government who lies to you and doesn't give two ***** about whether you live or die btw I live in America and love the country I just hate the government and the ignorant people who believe the government
#99- I'm sorry that you had to move your wedding date twice and that he left a week after. but during any of those ocassions you could have written it as an FML and we all would have agreed and sympathized with you. So as much as she knew what could happen when she got involved with a military man it still sucks and she has the right to say it does. You also probably hate when your husband gets deployed on short notice or during a holiday or special event and that's all the OP Is saying. To be honest I can't believe you aren't more understanding and sympathetic having known whaf it's like! This is another soldiers wife, you should be standing up for her above anyone else!
man the military has sure hardened your soul hasn't it?
Shut up, now.
it really depends - is that your only job & you're young & not in school?
wth are you talking about? fyl for not knowing what's going on!
that sucks
Find a new fiancé or change the date!
why does being deployed constitute ending an engagement
Stupid heartless tramp
when does she say it's only a year? deployments can be anywhere from 7-18 months or more. and "it goes by fast"? Seriously? you've obviously never had someone you loved overseas with little or no communication for weeks at a time. Spending every day worrying about your husband and trying not to dwell on how much it sucks sleeping in your bed alone every night when he should be right next to does not "go by fast".
he's just means it's about a year. most deployments are around a year now of course it can be sooner or later than that. it may not seem to go by that quickly at times but on the whole it does goes by fairly quickly. I know exactly how you feel about being lonely at night and those long weeks of not hearing from him. op: that just blows I'm sorry I hope you can change the date
well depending on the branch of service the longest deployment is 12 months........and that's with the Army. just being a spouse doesn't make you an expert in all things military. I have been both a spouse of a deployed servicemember and also deployed myself. OP-your fiancé knew a while ago the estimated date of deployment. that's why they issue orders at least 3 months in advance. you could have changed the date.
My ex-bf has been deployed 3x and it was longer than a year every time. He's been home almost a year and a half now, and I think this is the longest he's ever been stateside as well.
well that sucks but a thing called rescheduling exists, sure its not the great 'ol first pick but at least you can still have what you wanted
The most she could do is see if her fiance could deploy at a later time. While not likely, the military isn't completely heartless when it comes to these things. Besides, there is no way either of them could've known during the wedding planning that he would be deployed that day. Don't you guys think they would've changed the date if they knew this earlier? If her fiance can't work something out, then she is out of luck. Depending on how close it is to the wedding, it's really difficult to find a day where everyone and everything would work out like you wanted. OP, I"m sorry that this is happening to you. I'm a military wife as well, and I couldn't imagine how frustrating and heartbreaking this is. Let the disrespectful comments begin :)
spot on.
Disrespect means these comments should be negative. You too just aren't trying very hard are you?
tell him I said thank you for his service and love will always waita
When my brother was getting married Prince Philip was really ill. If he'd died then my brother would have been told to go and attend his funeral. We were all waiting with baited breath on the run up to the big day. Thankfully the old codger lives on and the wedding went ahead. But I do feel for poor OP. Lets hope you're right and something can be done!

The most she could do is see if her fiance could deploy at a later time. While not likely, the military isn't completely heartless when it comes to these things. Besides, there is no way either of them could've known during the wedding planning that he would be deployed that day. Don't you guys think they would've changed the date if they knew this earlier? If her fiance can't work something out, then she is out of luck. Depending on how close it is to the wedding, it's really difficult to find a day where everyone and everything would work out like you wanted. OP, I"m sorry that this is happening to you. I'm a military wife as well, and I couldn't imagine how frustrating and heartbreaking this is. Let the disrespectful comments begin :)
aw I'm so soryy