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By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 20:16 - United States - Chicago

Today, my fiancé's best friend, who will be our best man at our wedding, decided to confess his feelings for me and tell me how he's always dreamed of us eloping together. The wedding is going to be awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 917
You deserved it 3 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely tell your fiancé, pretty sure that's unacceptable. He needs to understand that you're out of bounds

Wizardo 33

It doesn't have to be awkward since you'll be with your soon to be husband, its just one day so bear with it for now and you don't have to see this guy afterwards anyway. And this guy probably watches too many reruns of Shrek or something...


Definitely tell your fiancé, pretty sure that's unacceptable. He needs to understand that you're out of bounds

jman26 11

Worst case scenario is when OP's fiancé confronts the best man, he'll deny everything and call OP a liar.

Either way who's he gonna believe? The woman he loves and marries? Or the best friend?

zgomon 10

#15. I think worst case scenario would be the best man killing the fiancé and kidnapping OP.

It just seems like a harmless adult crush. Worst case scenario, the best friend gets socked in the face by OP's fiancé if stuff gets out of hand.

Harmless adult crushes don't usually involve daydreaming of running away with your best friend's soon to be wife.

michaelaranda 28

this makes me think of himym when ted tells barney he still.has feelings for robin. its this season

etoilenuit 15

He'll probably just try to kiss you, your soon to be husband will witness it, a chase will ensue. But they will work it out and he'll give a toast at your wedding.

47, I was recently the best man at my brother's wedding. I was the best man, his best friend was the honorary best man, and I can honestly say neither of us would ever imagine stealing his girl away. That's so off limits it should never be brought up, it's their day and their life afterwards. Best wishes OP, and congrats on your day ahead!

Achall91 17

#47 you really think this is something they will get over? They will probably never speak again. Hell, OP's soon to be husband may even kill his ex-bestfriend and OP will never be able to marry either of them. I hope she likes visiting prisons.

OMG people real life isn't a TV drama, (himym aside cause that wasn't too over the top for TV) OP needs to tell him! He probably won't kill anyone, yes there will we hurt feeling and possible end to a friendship but if OP keeps it to herself and it ever comes out (and it always does) the Husband is going to think OP betrayed him, either for simply keeping secrets (not a great way to start a marriage) or he will think she shared the feelings at least a bit and that's why she didn't tell him. Either way the Best man ****** up, not OP, it needs to be dealt with and the sooner the better. Good luck OP and do tell him soon!!

and if he does freak out on OP and call her a liar than that's OK too cause who wants to marry that type of shit! Good to find out now where OP stands with her husband to be.

tounces7 27

@24 Hard to say. After all, he may have known his best friend all his life, while he could have only known OP a few years or less.

blinkingstarlet 15

#29 your comment made me laugh so hard my iced tea went up my nose. I think what's most likely to happen is their friendship is over. It's really not a huge loss since he clearly doesn't care about his friend's feelings.

Wizardo 33

It doesn't have to be awkward since you'll be with your soon to be husband, its just one day so bear with it for now and you don't have to see this guy afterwards anyway. And this guy probably watches too many reruns of Shrek or something...

If he's the best man, I'm pretty sure they're not gonna just suddenly lose all contact with him after marriage...

After a situation like this they might want to lose all contact. If it was my best friend or my fiance's best friend I wouldn't want anything to do with them. I'd want them out of the wedding too.

I was thinking he must've watched The Graduate recently. Or Wayne's World. Either works.

Fx13mz 7

Of course he got the idea from Shrek reruns. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.

MyUsernameKatie 31

Same thing happened to my mom, when she was in her dress and veil. They're still friends. She didn't make it anymore awkward than it had to be

It was cute in 'Love, Actually'. It's not cute in real life. At all.

72, i was thinking of Love Actually the second i read this :P i think every woman who watched that scene fell a little bit in love with Andrew Lincoln. well, i know i did

Don't just wait until the wedding! Talk to him and let him know you love your fiance. Have sympathy on the guy.

MichellinMan 20

Totally agree, I'm sure he'd understand. Unless it's obsessive love, then good luck to OP.

He imagined her and himself eloping together. Thats a bit obsessive for me

It will only be awkward if you feel the same. Tell the friend he's SOL and to behave himself or back out of his position as best man. Leave it up to him whether or not to tell your fiancé. If he can move on and keep quiet, the two can maintain a friendship despite one bad decision.

Beepbeep7 14

I would not keep it quiet.Omission of something that serious is lying.Op's fiancé has a right to know how his best friend attempted to break bro code.That's not the kind of best friend I would want hanging around.

oh how lovely. he's gotta learn that you're happily taken and he should've spoken up looooong before or just kept his mouth shut instead.. good luck op!

Make sure you tell your fiancé- hopefully they can still be friends Congratulations on your soon-to-be wedding, OP!

I'd tell your fiancé, that's a teensy bit weird. Why does it have to be awkward? Just have fun and don't think about it! :)

Anai08 17

What did he expect, for you to agree with him and ride off into the sunset together? He's been watching too many movies. -__- It's a tough situation, but I would say it's important to tell your fiancée. Whether it be before or after the wedding is up to you. Good luck OP.

As long as the feeling isn't reciprocal, you will be fine.

YDI. You're just too awesome, OP. Stop it. Oh, who am I kidding? That's like asking me to stop being so damn wonderful. We just.can't help it, can we? I empathize, OP. FYL.

You can't control your emotions... as long as he doesn't act on them.

This could start a long and arduous debate, but suffice to say, he should have probably told his friend and not his friend's fiance about this.