By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 20:16 - United States - Chicago

Today, my fiancé's best friend, who will be our best man at our wedding, decided to confess his feelings for me and tell me how he's always dreamed of us eloping together. The wedding is going to be awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 915
You deserved it 3 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely tell your fiancé, pretty sure that's unacceptable. He needs to understand that you're out of bounds

Wizardo 33

It doesn't have to be awkward since you'll be with your soon to be husband, its just one day so bear with it for now and you don't have to see this guy afterwards anyway. And this guy probably watches too many reruns of Shrek or something...


Epikouros 31

This is your chance to marry two men at once! Double sex and double money - who cares if it's legal.

laughlots4195 7

i hate it when people confess feelings all of a sudden when your in a relationship. FYL op

Maybe your finance asked him to say it, to test you for cold feet...? Or to test you being honest with him (*cough* tell him)? Just trying to think of a innocent reason behind it.

icepick23 12

Which wedding? Which guy did you choose?

Maybe he was drunk? That's really awkward.... tell your fiancé because maybe he shouldn't be the "Best Man" if he just confessed his love for his best friend's future wife.

Xandrick 22

It would seem that no matter how innocent the OP is in these FMLs, there'll always be a handful of assholes saying that the OP deserved it. In this FML, there seem to be about 1744 assholes.

I first read that thinking the poster was a man. I think my version is better.