By Jane - 28/04/2016 03:58 - United States - Beaver Falls

Today, my fiancé tells me he loves me about 100 times a day. At first it was cute, but now it's getting really annoying. We can't have a conversation without him throwing in about 10 "I love you"s. I'm beginning to not want to talk to him anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 820
You deserved it 3 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DeadxManxWalking 27

Thought about talking to him about it? Might be a good start.


Every person, relationship, situation, is different. Just because the people here on fml had their own experience, we can't be quick to pass judgment. For example, he cheated, is cheating, wasn't loved enough as a child, ocd, among many other things. In my opinion, I hope and can understand if he's very excited that he's going to marry a wonderful woman. Its sad that she feels that way, but the only way she will truly find out what is going on in his mind is to have a talk with him. Hopefully everything works out great.

Then sit down and tell him how you feel!! You are getting married after all and it won't work if you don't communicate, not to mention you won't want to kill him if you talk to him about the excessive I love you's

UserError94 18

There's a lot of ways to express love, and using one of them only and constantly can be really annoying to some

You may wanna rethink the till death do us part thing if I love you annoys you, just wait they always wait until they have you forever to break out the nasty shit.

What if he is purposely telling you this a lot? So that you'll quit talking to him.

Some times you can love someone so much that you feel like you could say it a million times a day and still not be able to converse your feelings

My ex boyfriend did that to me. Every 5 seconds it was "I love you." Needless to say... He's my ex haha. Not Bc of that, but I must say, I definitely do not miss it.