By ....... - 23/06/2009 17:56 - United States
Top comments
why is this an FML? she doesnt know what it means, get a brain
i didn't really think it was that funny either..
wow. well she probably didn't learn it from you since you wrote this fml for us all to read. maybe she heard it on tv, or from a precocious older friend. either way, she's a bit young to know about sex and what hookers do, maybe show her pictures of crack ****** and ask her if that'd still be something she was interested in!
Holy **** ahahahahahahahahaha
Children say what they hear, so, now I really want to hear about your home life.
im sick of idiots like u crying fake all the time, seriously like wtf. theres no reason the think this is fake so why bother? its funny to read nevertheless, quit ruining the fml for everybody. god >.>
high aspirations
how does a 6 year old know what a hooker is. mom i blame you!