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By Tygastyle - 23/06/2009 17:37 - United States

Today, at the bank, I went to get some coffee from their machine. I gave it my money and pressed the buttons but nothing was happening. After banging on the machine for ten minutes and calling a teller over, a little boy reached up on his tippy toes to press the giant green START button for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 530
You deserved it 63 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*Facepalm* Although I do love when kids make adults look stupid (No offense OP I just mean in general) I mean you have to admit it's hilarious, unless it's happening to you.


easylazy 0

I agree with #1 And this is really sad I wonder how you start your car in the morning or make your coffee! I find it really said that an adult doesn't know how to work and ATM. How do you normally withdraw money? How to you SURVIVE? (And I agree with #25 also)

Um its sad that you can't read, the OP was not at an atm, it was a coffee machine

Its amazing how some people get unfocused so easily.... A START button? Really?

#26 It was a mistake. It happens a lot. Lol. :U

Roxas_fml 0

Sounds like a knock off FML of the person who had a little boy come open his bathroom stall for him because he didn't realize he was doing it wrong.

bees_08505 0

it happens you had a brain fart !!! thank God for kids to make us feel complete stupid !!!!

*Facepalm* Although I do love when kids make adults look stupid (No offense OP I just mean in general) I mean you have to admit it's hilarious, unless it's happening to you.

I don't mine offending... when a person comes here to FML to declare their retardation, they can expect to be insulted and ridiculed... what else do they want... positive affirmations?

fxdxhk90 0

Gotta love it when people come to this site to complain about the fact that they are morons.

LOL. Yeah, what IS more pathetic... that you can't figure out a coffee machine, or that you come here to brazenly and proudly proclaim that you are a stupid idiot?

You went to the bank to get some coffee? Starbucks my friend, no assembly required ;)

doubt that someone would go to the bank just to get coffee. The OP was probably there to deposit something or whatever and wanted some coffee while they were there.

Mozart24 0

Dont take her IKEA shopping then, either...

Shawty101 0

umm just the coffee at hiz work dumbass

guitar43 0

haha awww we all have our moments but thats really cute

NGM_47 0

If you had trouble with a coffee machine, I wonder how long it took for you to log onto this site....?

Ah, but you don't have to log into the site to post an FML. Plus, the coffee may have stimulated the brain enough to use some logic. =P

Brainfarts happen to everyone. It's just twice as funny when they happen like this.