By ....... - 23/06/2009 17:56 - United States

Today, my five year old daughter was watching cartoons on TV. Then a Barbie commercial came on. My daughter sang along with the theme song "Be who you want to be, B-A-R-B-I-E." She then turned to me and said "Mom, I want to be a hooker." FML
I agree, your life sucks 503
You deserved it 46

Top comments

effmyyliifee 0

how does a 6 year old know what a hooker is. mom i blame you!


Barbie's REAL job is being a hooker. She just has all the other jobs for a day which is why the Barbies with a job only come out once.

Lindsay46789 0

I always associated Barbie with prostitution, well at least since the age of 8! But I never wanted to be one though...

Am I the only one who thinks that maybe the mother has other children? I've certainly made jokes about hooker barbie, even with my dad at home. If I had a younger sister, she'd probably hear about it at some point, even if I wasn't talking to her. I'm thinking maybe a sibling put her up to it. That makes more sense then anything else I've read here.

kandy_fml 0

Uh oh. here comes the comments from ignorant people talking about how horrible of a mother the OP is. Parents can't constantly be watching their kids and monitoring what they say and hear. I volunteered at an elementary school and I noticed one of the kindergardners wearing a thong. Also, many of the 5th graders cussed and had nicer phones then I do. Kids nowadays are growing up fast. I wouldn't put it past a 5 year old to know what a hooker is.


might be me, but u look at kindegartens asses'? I have only seen one girl wearing wearing a thong, but she was older then me and it was pretty ******* obvious unless it is on a kindegarten then i am ******* wrong..

ForWhatItsWorth 0

I don't know about you, but I don't recall knowing what a hooker is at the age of 5. I'm assuming said child heard someone they look up to (in one way or another) say it and decided they'd copy it. It's what I reckon I'de do at 5. Also, a bit out off-topic, you're 17 and you're a vaulanteer at an elementary school? Aren't you still in school? Edit: lool rjb, disturbing ._.! but also, disturbingly right..

That was when YOU were five though. These days kids are starting to learn vulgar vocabulary at younger ages either because of older siblings, or they hear it somewhere else (whether it be parents, the television, the parents' friends, a babysitter, etc.).

ForWhatItsWorth 0

I'll admit, this generations youth is corrupt, what with teenagers trying to figure out what the youngest age possible to be pregnant at is and all, thinking about you made me feel so old though xD Everywhere you look, people are trying to wear less clothes, make themselves look more appealing and such, and for what? 5 year olds wanting to be hookers.. I feel ashamed this era had to come now!

effingclassy 0

FWIW: Maybe she should "vaulanteer" at your school...

ROFLMAOSH. XD That's epic. She probably didn't know what it meant though, so it's no big deal. But that little girl definitely needs a good talking to.

that is hilarious! comparing barbie to a hooker... wow.... your daughter sounds like a little fireball and i'm sure she'll turn out just fine.

devildog_angel23 0

I actually think that's hilarious....remember: Kids say the darnedest things!

If this isn't completely fake, I gotta say don't worry cuz she can't know what it means, wtf? Unless you're a horrible parent in which case YDI