By Anonymous - 07/09/2013 22:22 - Australia - Padstow

Today, my friend asked if she could come over to my place. Since it's my birthday tomorrow, I said sure. Turns out she just wants to copy all my notes for our upcoming exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 555
You deserved it 3 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No, that's just a ruse, the clever girl! She's really planning a surprise birthday party for you! Which I just ruined...

So you thought she wanted to do something today for your birthday even though your birthday is tomorrow? Maybe you should wait a day before deciding how f'd your life is


It's one way to get notes..maybe you can study together and then hang out afterwords....

If it wasn't your birthday the next day would you have told your friend no about coming over? I'm not seeing the fyl here.

Hm. Not really a great friend OP. But have a Wonderful Birthday! :)

I hope she remembers at least or trying to throw you off like she doesn't remember and got you an amazing gift

hey exams can take over your life for a couple of weeks give her some slack OP. Sure it was a shitty thing to forget your birthday but you can't blame her for being worried about the exam.

tehdarkness 21

Meh. I find this FML a bit boring.

Didn't you plan anything? Or are you expecting everyone else to do it for you?

It's not like they're obligated to get/do anything for you. Even if you got/did something for them on their b-day and they don't return the favor, the rule is that you don't do it again next time and you officially no longer gift on b-days. A good friend is someone who will have your back. Like you, helping with notes is something a good friend would do. If they would do the same for you then you should appreciate them instead of making assumptions about what days they feel are important to celebrate.

CaptFuzzyNippl_2 16

Ask him to leave because you have uncontrollable Diarrhea,and wish for him not to hear you pooping from the next room over.Or simply tell him to leave because your parents wouldn't approve of him being there.