By Anonymous - 13/08/2010 16:13 - United States

Today, my friend thought it would be funny to hack my Facebook and "like" everybody's statuses. This includes my boyfriend's about his grandmother dying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 334
You deserved it 6 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for saying your friend "hacked it". Your friend did not hack into Facebook.


thedeepthinker 0

He went through all the trouble of hacking your account and then he topped it off with the lamest excuse for a prank I ever heard, he disgraces all mischief loving devils 'round the world. That's like breaking into a maximum security vault and then throwing all the money to the ground, causing an awful mess, before dashing off into the distance with an evil laugh echoeing in the horizon..... Oh my shit! I just realized I wasted 2/24 of my day reading people's FMLs. FML.

thedeepthinker 0

BTW did you see that South Park episode about facebook? People just take it too far these days with their profiles and shit.

Brittney_E 0

i probably would've dumped OP too. unless there was believable proof..

rubyroborr 0

I would have beat tht friend INTO THE GROUND

y did u tell your friends ur email n password

maybe i'm net-illiterate... but seeing as "Like" is a stock button on FB doesn't it really just mean you are showing support... ie in the case of "Dead Gramma" its not that you like gramma being dead, but that you are acknowledging her passing and supporting the person with out having to try and find the words to the haters... perhaps OP is using 'hacked' simply to mean that her friends figured out her password

I Would Hack Your Friends FaceBook And Write On His Status: "I Am Gay And Proud"...Even Though He Would Murderr You..I Guess Its Worth It ^.^

UpYoursInAdvance 0

I sorry but how does one hack into a Facebook Page?! The only way I would know is to give someone else your pass word or leave your page open an if that was the case of then YDI (everything but the break-up)..

babygrl77110 0

omg that sucks!!! I wld so not tlk to ur friend

They Were Probably Good Friends And Gave Eachothaa Their PassWords ?