By Anonymous - 13/08/2010 16:13 - United States

Today, my friend thought it would be funny to hack my Facebook and "like" everybody's statuses. This includes my boyfriend's about his grandmother dying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 341
You deserved it 6 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for saying your friend "hacked it". Your friend did not hack into Facebook.


It has been an fml before. This user just played along with it, unless by some strange and near impossible coincidence, they are in fact related.

YupThatsLiv 0

I halfway agree. It's enough to get upset about, but to just go & break up with OP with out an explination, which it seems to have happened, is a little over the top


YDI for having such a weak ass password.

he probably thinks it was a joke that she did and is tryin to pretend she didn't actually do it

angtaffe 0
stedfastwolf 11
hectik_Lyfe 0
Hellooomindyy 0

By hacking she could mean actual hacking, not the mistake of leaving her page open at a friends or giving a friend the password.

It's an FML for the BF thing but YDI because you were not hacked. It's not being hacked when you share your password or leave yourself logged in. Tonnes of people share their passwords for things like facebook and emails when there is NEVER a reason to, it has nothing to do with someone being close to you or to prove you trust them; it's your business to be on your account and theirs to be on theirs. Who knows though, maybe it was the 0.01% chance that it was a hacking.