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By NinjaWafflesx - 15/12/2011 15:20 - United States

Today, my mother hacked my Facebook and broke up with my boyfriend and pretended to be me. She told him if he ever talks to me again, she'll call the cops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 758
You deserved it 3 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Angelice_fml 0

She was no right invading into your love life.

lizzypooh36 18

I'm gonna assume she wasn't too fond of the boyfriend. im sorry, that sucks. something my mom would do though.


lizzypooh36 18

I'm gonna assume she wasn't too fond of the boyfriend. im sorry, that sucks. something my mom would do though.

perdix 29

Or she's VERY fond of the boyfriend and needs to break him up from her daughter so she can have a shot at him. Watching ... too much ... MILF ... ****!

flockz 19

or she's VERY fond of her daughter and-- nevermind.

AliCat18 12

Your mom needs to learn boundries! that sucks. im sorry

Perdix.. be honest.. is there ever too much?

I don't remember seeing a comment that blamed OP at all..

people in facebook are stupid ** Knowing a persons password isnt hacking!!! **

1, Just wondering; is that supposed to be a picture of your ****, or is it just a bad angle?

You belong in the #MYMOTHERISANUTJOB! club! Your qualifications are astounding, some of the best i've ever seen! And that's a new one--mom breaking up with your boyfriend for you? whoa, hard core

Spottedfeather 7

Hacking is not using someone's info to get into their page. Hacking is using programs and your own skills to figure out someone's info to get into their page. You're stupid for not knowing the difference.

Umm spotted feather you just proved his point doesn't matter either way you are trying to get their info and logging into something that isn't yours that is hacking!! Re read your comment dude and tell me what the difference is. You are not the brightest bulb in the box

lizzypooh36 18

it's not supposed to be a pic of my boobs. it cropped my picture :/

So do you like to be on top or bottom? Or the middle eh?

Goddammit. Knowing someone's information in order to log into their account ISN'T hacking. Going through the coding of a computer to find it IS hacking. Learn the difference.

Nope, hacking by definition, is gaining access to accounts/passwords etc using computer magic to bypass security measures. I'm pretty sure this counts as identity theft which is still a criminal offense regardless of your relation to the person in question.

Angelice_fml 0

She was no right invading into your love life.

KiddNYC1O 20

I have a hunch that the mother has a valid reason for resorting to those measures.

*they're, think you'd better start learning too

Nor do the cops. That threat is invalid because what can they do to stop her from loving him

By hacked do you mean "got on the account that i failed to log off of"? OP's mom is 1337

every1luvsboners 11

Plant some meth in your moms tampon, then call the cops on her. Tell them she takes it straight in the vag.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Don't most tampons come in individual packages? OP would need to get in there after her mom opens the tampon, possibly even after it has already been inserted. Just wanted to give you all a nice mental image to kick start your day.

Aaaaaahhhhh! My mind's eyes!!!!! -covers forehead and closes eyes as he runs into the nearest wall, knocking him out-

The_Troller 14

Something tells me she didn't "hack" it. You just left it open on a shared computer. EDIT: Ninja'd

UnicornHooker 0

Thank **** somebody has enough sense to know the difference between knowing somebody's password and "hacking" them.

TLCisme 0

I think it was just an obvious point to portray she got onto her account without saying anything- just in simpler terms without your smarter then that, pull the crayon out of your brain.

yomommma 6

Just let him know it wasn't you and sign out.

tylersign 11

It annoys me that "hacked" has become synonymous with "got on my account". The world is getting more and more stupid..

Hey moron, if the op's mom got in op's facebook WITHOUT OP's PERMISSION and used it for purposes like breaking up with her boyfriend then IT IS HACKING. You're the stupid one.

DioMaledica 14

Lol i thought hacking involved cracking series of difficult codes or some sh*t like that in order to breach secure files then again I'm not an expert in this field.

Hacking - Gaining access to an account or system through exploits, vulnerabilities, or misconfigurations. Taking advantage of stupidity - What OPs mother did.

103 This is called cracking! If someone broke into your home would you call them a locksmith? The term hacking has been degenerated into logging in to someone account with their password.

DioMaledica 14

Thank you now I am one step further to becoming an expert in this so called hacking. ;)

103, today you learn this lesson: Do not call others morons when making a completely ******* stupid argument.

rcloca 10

How Rude. Never give mom your Facebook password!