By BetrayedGirl - 13/01/2010 12:40 - United States
Same thing different taste
By LolaBell - 24/04/2015 14:12 - United States - Brookfield
Bad news
By Anonymous - 24/10/2024 12:30 - India - Moradabad
By wow - 27/05/2013 16:17 - Canada - Edmonton
By No, I've never cheated - 20/03/2025 06:00 - United States
By resipsahipsta - 28/06/2009 17:42 - United States
By gng2fckngkilluyoufckngfckr - 03/08/2012 18:31 - Canada - Ottawa
By Irrationalwife - 31/03/2019 00:00
Thanks, I hate it
By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 18:16 - United States
By Hm - 08/02/2010 04:03 - United States
By gmac0417 - 01/09/2012 06:02 - United States
Top comments
FYL! That sucks, i don't think you should of checked JUST to prove your friend wrong though, because if he hadn't of been cheating on you then that would of been really unfair on him just because you wanted to be right. However in this case he was an idiot, not your fault. 'Don't get mad, Get everything!'
owch trhat really sucks !!! But just think, now you can kick him out and then get a house all to yourself !! :D Not sure if that makes you feel any better but oh well !! :)
Are you sure he's not cheating on you w/ your "friend"?
If you say that 99.9% of men cannot be trusted, you should be also applying that to women. If that doesn't sit with you, and it shouldn't, maybe you should consider that it is not the gender that determines the amount of trust someone should put into them but it's the ACTUAL person and their actions. I mean, if you're going to say that 99.9% of men aren't trustworthy, than can you really expect that whoever you are with is in that .1%? Idk, I just doubt that many people wake up and think about intentionally burning the trust between them and someone they care about.. People cheat, but it's their own decision, and is not determined by whether they are a male or female..
Hello, I am the one who submitted this. Basically we have been married for over a year, we've known each other for 3. A long, long time ago, he asked for my myspace and email password, but I refused and told him I didn't want to be one of those couples that has to keep tabs on each other. I wanted us to trust each other. Some time later, he was out and called me to ask me to check his e-mail because he really needed something imporant and he needed it then and there, and he had no way to access his e-mail. I checked and never, ever logged back on from then on, because I seriously (thought) had no reason to. The other night my friend told me that men can't be trusted, and I told her I knew his password but never checked it cause I trusted him. She then started nagging me, saying to just check, cause "If he's not doing anything wrong then obviously we won't find anything!". So, I checked... and I was very upset to find out he has been sleeping with a co worker for 8 months. My friend felt horrible, she didn't really think I'd find anything, but I did. I guess he forgot that he gave me his password, otherwise I'm sure he would have used adifferent account. I haven't even confronted him about it yet, he's over seas right now (his military). For those saying maybe he cheated cause of our sex life; I'll say that when he's actually home, we had sex a lot. I never heard any complaints. It really hurts that I'm home alone with our son, lonely and missing him, and I find out he's out romping around the town. All those times he didn't call me or my son wasn't really because he couldn't get to a phone... cause I found his phone bill on his e-mail account and he's been making calls to this girl. LOTS OF CALLS. I don't know if I will ever trust a person again. I thought he would have been the last person on earth to do this to me. :'(
I am so sorry that this happened to you :( I know words don't help...but you are not alone! Find some support around you, your friends and family are a great start. You can wait to confront him if you want to, but I personally would say something the very next time I got a call. I would start with asking why he is calling some other girl when he "isn't able" to call his wife or child...give him one chance to come clean. If he doesn't, start the divorce honey. You can not fix him, you need to protect yourself and your child from his lying and cheating...and for goodness sakes don't ever sleep with him again, god knows what he picked up from the ***** who laid him (who I assume knew he was married) I hate women like that. gah!
Oh honey. :( What you need to do is save or screenshot all of those emails and save them, in case you go to court (and I know you don't want to think about it, but it does and can happen). You need to be able to prove your side, even if you think your husband would never leave you blah blah blah, don't let yourself continue to be the victim - be prepared.
#45 Uh, "emotional cheating", have you heard of it? Most men cheat sexually while most women cheat emotionally. They both sort of lead down the same road. It's not the same as "just being friends", there's a fine line. As in, if a woman has a husband, and she's going on dates with another fellow, but they never kiss, hold hands, or have sex, but still have emotions for each other - that's cheating. That's not friendship, and it's most definitely not OK.

I wonder if she knew something all along and didn't have the heart to tell you, and used this as a way of letting you know? I'm glad you found out now, and wish hope things work out for you.
it's douchebags like him that give us nice dudes bad names>(